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"Wednesday Webinars" Recruitment of Jobseekers with Disabilities in the Service Industry

Do you own a restaurant, bar or a service type of business? In celebrating the 31st Anniversary, VI EDA along with the Disability Rights Center of the VI are providing a training on best practices for recruiting people with disabilities. There is a labor shortage and this is a good time to diversify your workforce to include people with disabilities. In this training you will learn where to find qualified jobseekers with disabilities as well as reasonable accommodations. There are numerous online talent pools along with VI Department of Labor and Vocational Rehab that can assist you with finding the right person for the right position at your business!



Zoom Recording (Speaker View): https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/k5vDm-PRH6oyNTUpPauHDrrcpmZsdYu4Y0IyHvsJQhVM9mkFDcstzlRjgoMYdFH3_wd8tkzuQb1FBcKy.V8LxJ4lR7vqJ2-ul

Zoom Recording (Audio Only): https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/8JTEn-129XchJMo4uKhCJt2vy9b4WLQRZPy3fq-GQMHesBnHH2Y-oueD39mJudeIbbKrz8n7gR1f4QZg.Sa9q4NK3fmA88pL8

Watch Facebook Livestream: https://fb.watch/v/cOBvqTLMQ/

Slide Deck Presentation: https://usvieda.org/sites/default/files/VIEDA%20Wednesday%20Webinar%20-%20Employer%20-ADA%20and%20Service%20Industry%20-%20FINAL%20Slide%20Deck%20-%207.14.2021.pdf

Event Date: 
Wed, 07/14/2021 - 10:00am to 11:00am