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#usvi #islands #jobs
The recommendations, measures, and initiatives outlined below were influenced by or were a direct result of conversations, participation, suggestions, and input from Vision 2040 participants. There will be many changes over the next 20 years—some within the Territory and some in the broader global economic context that will influence the Territory. These changes must be factored into any implementation strategy as progress is tracked. It is also expected that there will be added components of Vision 2040 in the months and years to follow.
The US Virgin Islands need modern infrastructure for economic growth and competitiveness, including efficient communication, reliable energy, transportation, housing, and water systems.
Vision 2040 requires relevant agencies to align infrastructure plans with its goals.
Immediate infrastructure priorities for economic development include addressing energy needs and developing land for industrial growth.
Develop clean energy venture capital linkages to grow industry base.
Increase alternative energy sources to 5% by 2025, 25% by 2030, 50% by 2035, and 75% by 2040.
By 2025, reduce commercial rate for electricity to be equivalent to or lower than the residential rate.
Adjust electricity rates only as caused by inflation, not by capital improvements.
By 2030, create commercial incentive rate to increase competitiveness for business attraction, creation, retention, and expansion.
By 2030, maintain or reduce WAPA’s rates to be no more than 110% of the average Caribbean rate.
By 2035, manage WAPA’s rates to be equivalent to the average Caribbean rate or manage WAPA’s rates to be no more than 2.5 times the U.S. average rate, whichever is less.
By 2040, manage WAPA’s rates to be 10% less than the average Caribbean rate, or manage WAPA’s rates to be no more than twice the U.S. average rate, whichever is less.
Reduce current (2020) SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) and SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) indices by at least 10% by 2025, 25% by 2030, 40% by 2035, and 50% by 2040.
1.10 Improve WAPA’s Fitch Ratings bond rating from CCC to B by 2025, B to BB by 2030, BB to BBB by 2035, and BBB to A by 2040.
Prepare Market Analysis supporting development of a speculative industrial building (built for specific uses but usually prior to identification of known occupants) and begin construction of that building swiftly (by either USVIEDA, the private sector, or partnership) to reach at least 50% occupancy by 2025 and 100% by 2030.
Design and have operating a real estate inventory portion of the USVIEDA website that includes all sites and buildings in the USVI suitable for larger manufacturing, warehouse/distribution, office or R&D operations, particularly for target sectors. Creation and effective management of centralized available properties database and easy access to this database from USVIEDA’s and partners’ websites are necessary as long as business executives and site selection consultants have this as a preferred research method.
Maintain and strengthen the working relationship with all USVI commercial and industrial real estate brokers to assure all listed properties are included in the USVIEDA real estate inventory.
Prepare and maintain a list of site location consultants and provide them with the real estate inventory at least semi-annually, with goal of establishing or expanding at least 2 new businesses per year attributable to the real estate inventory.
Complete development of at least 50 acres of the St. Croix Renaissance Park by 2025, 35% of developable land by 2030, 50% by 2035, and 75% by 2040.
Maintain full occupancy of USVIEDA properties in the Virgin Islands and William D. Roebuck Industrial Parks.
Prepare Market Analysis and Development Plans for a mixed-use business park on the 261+/- acres of USVI government owned 361 Estate Betty’s Hope property south of Henry Rohlsen Airport.
Begin development on 361 Betty’s Hope with 10% complete by 2030, 25% by 2035, and 50% by 2040.
By 2025, prepare Market Analysis supporting development of a second speculative building and construct that building (by either USVIEDA, the private sector, or partnership); reach at least 60% occupancy by 2035 and 100% by 2040.
By 2030, prepare Market Analysis supporting development of a third speculative (or pre-leased) building and construct that building (by either USVIEDA, the private sector, or partnership); reach 85% occupancy by 2040.
Host a Site Location Consultant Familiarization Tour at least twice between 2025 and 2030 with goal being to host at least three nationally-recognized selection consultants.
Conduct a Real Estate Brokers Appreciation Day every other year; alternate between St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix locations.
The territorial government must shift its approach towards the business community to demonstrate support for growth. This entails improving responsiveness, efficiency, transparency, and accountability to foster trust. Restructuring government to enhance efficiency and reduce costs is necessary, especially as the economy diversifies and government employment evolves.
All heads of cabinet departments and agencies should provide the governor with three of the most substantive actions that they could take to improve services to the business community. This would produce over 100 changes (in addition to the initiatives described in this report) and send a very clear message that the public sector is serious about improving the business climate.
To achieve Vision 2040 business growth projections, establish a Business Climate Commission with majority private sector representation that would be provided resources needed to thoroughly review, assess fiscal impact, and propose to the Executive and Legislative branches of government changes to the tax and regulatory environment, and recommend supportive public/private initiatives to improve the business climate. The Commission should include appropriate government officials whose departments, employees, regulations, and actions impact the process of establishing and operating a business. The government officials remain on and the businesspeople are replaced over time with new private sector representatives which refreshes the process of identifying problems and solutions.
Undertake a continuous process of team building and training for all government employees who interact with the business development and operations process. It is clear from interviews, that many government employees don’t think of themselves as part of the economic development team, but they need to think that way because their actions can seriously impede economic and business development. They need to be viewed as open and enthusiastic problem solvers, and patiently listen, question, learn, and respond with accurate and complete service.
Establish maximum 10 business day turnaround for receiving a business license; if there is no action taken in that period, then the license is automatically approved.
As part of a constant performance improvement effort, many places utilize electronic feedback and follow-up surveys (a modern-day version of the “How Did We Do?” hard-copy forms) in every instance where businesspeople and residents interact with government employees. Make sure this kind of feedback is built into all departments of government. These surveys remain anonymous and are evaluated frequently to identify where improvements are needed.
Address the underground economy by developing supportive outreach and specific, system-wide approaches that lead to licensing, tax payments, and compliance.
Develop a research and development tax credit program.
Develop visitation training and certification for workers in hospitality sectors and share key messages with the public so that visitors to the Territory feel welcomed.
Establish incentives to encourage formation of angel funds by residents and those living outside the Territory, with emphasis on diaspora groups, to benefit pre-early stage businesses.
Develop formal arrangements to partner with the World Bank, CARICOM, and other Caribbean groups that are advancing initiatives to help entrepreneurs succeed.
Enhance export technical assistance capacity to substantially increase the number of businesses exporting products.
The USVIEDA should establish a best practices Business Expansion and Retention program with dedicated staffing and funding to track individual business needs and responses via a customer management relationship database.
Working in close collaboration with the chambers of commerce, the USVIEDA should conduct twice a year periodic temperature taking and appreciation days for the business community where trained representatives fan out and visit as many businesses as possible in a single day.
Conduct a business survey on an annual basis. By conducting the survey every year, the USVI will be able to see progress toward a goal of achieving majority support from businesses. Consider simplifying the survey. As an alternative, a “Question of the Month” approach can be used, which spreads out the survey over time, reduces the time needed to complete it each month, and becomes a form of regular communication with the Territory’s business community.
Conduct a series of business town halls at least once a year but ideally more frequently. They can be done as an invitation to all businesses or segmented by business type. This will offer the USVIEDA leadership qualitative as well as quantitative input. These can be used to explore in more detail important topics that emerge from the “Question of the Week.” Just as important, even for the businesses that do not participate, it will convey a sense that the USVIEDA and its partners are listening.
Increase frequency of communications between the public and private sectors with quarterly e-newsletters and publications to the entire licensed business community; fact-based updates on progress in addressing business climate and related quality of place and life issues (energy, crime, etc.), profiles of/testimonials by successful businesses in the territory, important calendar notes for the quarter ahead, and information on available services and programs, particularly when they change. These publications could also be distributed to the USVI diaspora as a means of maintaining contact and encouraging people to return to the Territory and operate a business there.
Conduct an ongoing local media relations campaign, promoting through the press the newsworthy USVIEDA, Research and Technology Park (RTPark), Small Business Development Center (SBDC), and other economic initiatives, progress, and testimonials.
Publicize locally the results of the public relations effort nationally. Get a positive feature in the Wall Street Journal or a trade publication about doing business in the Territory. Do not assume the businesses in the Islands have seen it. Play it back to them, letting it serve as a validation for their own decision to operate in the Territory.
Conduct receptions in diaspora-concentrated cities in the United States, including: Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Houston, and New York.
Host annual receptions on St. Thomas and St. Croix for the majority of diaspora who return for a visit (often during the holidays) at least once a year.
Conduct semiannual diaspora town halls, similar to those done for this report, hosted by the USVIEDA CEO or even, on occasion, by the governor.
Develop a new brand for economic development that reflects the targeted industries and new direction for the USVI.
Develop Territory-wide Annual Economic Development Scorecards as important measuring sticks for evaluating progress, including metrics and a benchmarking system for reporting small business and entrepreneurial services and customer satisfaction measures.
Develop resources for improving storefronts in neighborhood centers.
The USVI must re-think its education system to achieve economic growth by focusing intently on creativity and discovery, and by aligning with industry and workforce needs of the future to help stem the outflow of some of the Territory’s best and brightest. Better education means better workers, better jobs, and less brain drain.
Develop programs that are centered on motivating young people with entrepreneurial interests.
Secure commitment of public educators to connect teachers with businesses so classrooms can better prepare students for high-quality technology jobs.
Establish an ”idea infrastructure” in the K-12 curriculum that provides focus on fun exploration and discovery, research, and hands-on science and technology learning. This will help address inequality brought on in part by the pace of technological changes by providing comfort with technology and encourage higher level skills aptitudes.
Develop stackable credentials to provide career pathways for students, employees, and adults that support skill attainment and employment in the targeted industry sectors. The benefit of stackable credentials (programs and certificates that build on each other) is that they can be earned in a short period of time and provide career-relevant skills for jobs that often do not require a four-year degree.
Develop more academic and research-oriented partnerships with U.S. mainland higher education institutions.
Establish K-12 community-based learning science and technology scholarships to encourage students to pursue internships and apprenticeships with employers.
Double science and technology enrollment at University of the Virgin Islands (UVI).
Position the University of the Virgin Islands to be known as an “honors university” among Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). Over time, this will help attract more talent from the mainland and help stem brain drain.
Once the Comprehensive Economic Development Plan (CEDS) is approved, UVI should consider applying to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration to become an EDA University Center. Currently, five HBCUs have been designated, and as such, become part of a community of institutions that share information and receive support.
Recruit world-class academic and industry investigators to provide increased visibility and capacity to diversify the economy, with a special focus on the blue economy.
Focus on technology in all aspects of learning, advance research and development, and introduce new technologies into classrooms to help diversify the industry base and improve all facets of life in the territory.
Encourage life-long learning and volunteering opportunities with local nonprofits and foundations.
Encourage youth volunteers and input for events and other economic development related endeavors to expose young people to critical economic issues facing their communities.
Diversifying the economic base in the Vision 2040 targeted industries will help produce family-sustaining job opportunities, reduce dependence on public sector employment, and shift the tourism focus to longer-stay visitors by celebrating the cultural, recreational, and heritage-related assets of the Territory.
The US Virgin Islands must upgrade infrastructure, healthcare, and public safety while tackling high living costs. Creating more private sector jobs is key to reducing crime, aligning with the goals of Vision 2040 for economic growth.
Be part of the solution and let us know if you would like to be involved in the implementation of the Vision 2040; involved in future events and conversations; or want to share other ideas with the Vision 2040 team. Click below to contact us!
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