Vision 2040

Vision 2040

Vision 2040 is the long-term economic strategy and action plan for the U.S. Virgin Islands. It was created through an interactive, participatory process.

The 20-year economic development plan positions the Territory as a vibrant, desirable place to live, work, and visit. The goal is to promote a prosperous business location that is competitive based on its ability to develop, retain, and attract a skilled workforce.

What is Vision 2040?

Vision 2040 is the most comprehensive economic development plan ever presented for the U.S. Virgin Islands. The 20-year plan provides recommendations for economic diversification to facilitate wealth generation and job creation in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Who is leading the Vision 2040 effort?

USVIEDA is leading the Vision 2040 initiative. In the spirit of collaboration, a Task Force of government officials, local non-profits, and stakeholders was assembled to oversee the vision. Vision 2040 was developed through extensive public engagement, namely town hall meetings and surveys of the local business community, non-profits, residents, and the Virgin Islands Diaspora.

A consulting team, led by Camoin Associates, Inc., assisted USVIEDA in creating the Vision 2040 plan. Implementation will be in the hands of all Virgin Islanders living in the Territory and abroad with continued support from public, private, and non-profit partners.

What is the Vision 2040 planning process?

Vision 2040 economic development planning process began in September 2020 and concluded in March 2021.

  • Global Marketing Campaign RFP 

  • Energy Sector Analysis RFP 

  • Equity Capital Formation RFP 

How is Vision 2040 being funded?

The Vision 2040 initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Economic Development Administration as part of the federal recovery grants with a local match provided by the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR).

From above of United States currency folded in roll placed on USA flag illustrating concept of business profit and wealth

Our Goals

Vision 2040 aims for full employment in the U.S. Virgin Islands by 2030, ensuring everyone who wants a job has one.

The second macroeconomic goal is economic stability by 2040, with steady growth, minimal GDP fluctuations, and stable prices for goods and services.

Our Partners

Funded By Our Partners

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Be part of the solution and let us know if you would like to be involved in the implementation of the Vision 2040; involved in future events and conversations; or want to share other ideas with the Vision 2040 team. Click below to contact us!

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