CHARLOTTE AMALIE, U.S. Virgin Islands – July 7, 2020 — The Disability Rights Center of the Virgin Islands (DRCVI), along with several disability organizations, are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) in collaboration with the Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority (VIEDA) and the VI Small Business Development Center (VI SBDC) with webinars that will focus on helping small businesses learn how to create engaging social media content and develop disability employment policies pertaining to individuals with disabilities in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
These webinars are also designed to help make resources more accessible to these individuals.
The DRCVI will host the following webinars in July 2020:
1. “Celebrating the ADA: Accessible Social Media For All”
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
10AM – 11AM
Presenter – Nicole Ross: Ms. Ross was born and raised on St. Croix. She managed communications departments and social media activities for marine conservation nonprofits in Washington, DC, including The Ocean Foundation and EarthEcho International, and managed social media accounts for Philippe Cousteau.
Additionally, Nicole studied film and worked on commercial and documentary film projects in DC. Nicole returned home – after being away for more than 15 years – and worked at Lutheran Social Services of the VI in the Public Relations and Development department. In 2015, Nicole began working as a communications consultant, using her knowledge of film, communications, and fundraising to help companies and nonprofits amplify their stories and messaging. She now serves as the Communications Specialist at the Disability Rights Center of the Virgin Islands.
Training Summary: Are you creating engaging social media posts that are reaching the widest audience possible? Have you ever considered an audience you may be missing? People with disabilities make up over 20 percent of the U.S. population and family and friends make up another 20 percent. This training will help you ensure your business, personal platform, or organization are using accessible social media best practices to reach a more diverse audience. From offices to storefronts to websites and social media platforms, an inclusive space means a greater impact on your bottom line and the world around you.
Who should participate: Communications directors, social media managers and influencers, and public information officers within public agencies
2. “Celebrating the ADA: Creating Disability Employment Policies”
Thursday, July 30, 2020
10AM – 12PM
Presenter – Shammi Carr: Shammi has been in the disability field for over 20 years, first as an advocate for parents with children in special education. She later became the Director of Advocacy and Case Management at an Independent Living Center and then a Regional Technical Assistance Manager at Cornell’s University, Employment and Disability Institute. At Cornell, Shammi worked with various stakeholder groups such as employer associations, system advocates, state and local governments and educational entities including K-12 schools and colleges. She was trained by the Department of Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity Center. Recently, Shammi worked as a Program Coordinator with VIUCEDD at the University of the Virgin Islands and as a Ticket to Work Coordinator at the local One-Stop in Ithaca, NY.
Her current position as an Advocate with the Disability Rights Center of the Virgin Islands includes conducting trainings for parent/parent support groups and working with various employment entities such as VI DOL, Vocational Rehab and business organizations. Shammi’s areas of expertise include, but not limited to, parent education and training, disability rights laws, workforce development, employment and disability and grant writing. Shammi holds a BA in Anthropology from Nazareth College in Rochester, NY.
Training Summary: Attend a training that will assist your small business to further develop and implement disability employment policies. Advance your policies related to returning to work, conduct, flexible leave, reasonable accommodation and much more. Takeaways from this training include policy samples and resources.
Who should participate: Small-business owners
Created in October 1977, the Disability Rights Center of the Virgin Islands (DRCVI) is the federally-mandated and funded protection and advocacy corporation for the U.S. Virgin Islands. DRCVI’s mission is to advance the legal rights of people with disabilities, support and empower families and provide training and information that promotes the overall health and educational development of children and youth.
To register for these webinars, visit .
About the Virgin Islands Small Business Development Center:
The Virgin Islands Small Business Development Center (VI SBDC) is partially funded by the U.S. Federal Government and partners with the Small Business Administration (SBA). The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) hosts and provides matching funding to deliver services to the US Virgins Islands. Such funding does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any of the co-sponsors or participants’ opinions, products or services. VI SBDC is committed to the policy of providing equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate in employment, admissions, programs or any other educational function and service on the basis of sex, age, handicap, national origin, color or religion.