CHARLOTTE AMALIE, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands – July 5, 2022 — The Enterprise Zone Commission (EZC), a subsidiary of the Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority (VIEDA) welcomed over 100 attendees in-person and virtually at its relaunched multimedia Estate Planning Conference in May on St. Thomas and St. Croix. Livestreamed on Facebook, in-person on both islands, and broadcasted on radio and TV, the conference featured two local attorneys, Anthony R. Kiture, Esquire, Kiture Law Firm in St. Croix, and Anna Paiewonsky, Paiewonsky Law Firm, PLLC in St. Thomas. After the live conference, there were over 800 views of the conference.
The EZC Estate Planning Conference, sponsored by Department of Interior through grant funding, received lively engagement from the attendees virtually and in-person. Family representatives questioned the main speakers on a variety of questions with hopes of improving their properties and utilizing for commercial and/or residential purposes.
“The objective of the Estate Planning Conference is to reduce the multiple ownership issues with properties in the enterprise zones and throughout the Territory”, stated Managing Director Marchena Kean. “EDA’s goal in having these informational sessions also includes encouraging community members to not delay working on their estate planning,” continued Marchena Kean.
Despite initial technical difficulties, attendees applauded the Enterprise Zone Commissions team for creating an accessible conference to those still living in the territory and Virgin Islanders abroad.
For more information on the Enterprise Zone Commission, please email For more information on the programs and services available to local small businesses through the VIEDA, please visit or email General inquiries can also be made to 340-773-6599 (St. Croix district) and 340-714-1700 (St. Thomas/St. John district).
“The Bryan-Roach Administration is investing in the Territory’s people, infrastructure and future through transparency, stabilizing the economy, restoring trust in the government and ensuring that recovery projects are completed as quickly as possible. Visit .”