Town Hall Meeting On VIEDC Tax Incentive Program For Businesses Set for September 13 and 15

          V.I. Economic Development Commission to Host Open Discussion on St. Croix, St. Thomas About the VIEDC Program

CHARLOTTE AMALIE, ST. THOMAS, U.S. Virgin Islands  –  September  9, 2016 –   For individuals who are interested in learning about the requirements for participating in the V.I. Economic Development Commission Tax Incentive Program, how this program is administered and its benefits to the U.S. Virgin Islands, the VIEDC will host a Town Hall Meeting on St. Croix and St. Thomas:

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 – 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Virgin Islands Small Business Development Center (VI SBDC)

Training Facility

4100 Sion Farm Shopping Center

Suite No. 16

Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands


Thursday, September 15, 2016 – 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Virgin Islands Small Business Development Center (VI SBDC)

Training Facility

8000 Nisky Shopping Center

Suite No. 720

St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands


All interested individuals are encouraged to attend.  Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas on how this program can be improved for the USVI community.  Light refreshments will be provided. 

The VIEDC Tax Incentive Program grants tax exemption benefits to eligible small to large businesses that conduct business in the Territory.  The VIEDC is one of four entities under the USVIEDA.

USVIEDA Acting Chief Executive Officer Wayne L. Biggs, Jr.; VIEDC Director of Applications Margarita A. Benjamin; and VIEDC Director of Compliance Claude S.M. Gerard will lead the Town Hall Meeting with a discussion about the role of the VIEDC Tax Incentive Program in the Territory, the program’s application process and the eligibility requirements, how the VIEDC Tax Incentive Program is administered and regulated, and how the program benefits the community and the USVI economy.  

Other economic development practitioners from the USVIEDA will also be present to provide attendees with information about other USVIEDA programs and services.  

For more information, please contact the VIEDC on St. Thomas at 340-714-1700, ext. 260, or send an email to Ja’Nelle Forbes at

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