VI Economic Development Authority’s Public Hearing, Governing Decision Meetings scheduled for March 6

CHARLOTTE  AMALIE, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands – March  5, 2013 — Percival E. Clouden, Chief Executive Officer of the V.I. Economic Development Authority (VIEDA), announces the following:

Public  Hearing:
A public hearing  for the Economic Development Commission, is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6,  2013 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Virgin Islands Port Authority on St. Thomas on applications from the following businesses:     Four Winds Plaza Corporation (Shopping Center on St. Thomas), Seven Seas Corporation (USVI) (Utilities-Related Business); Starboard Investments, LLC (Designated Service Business-Financial Consulting, etc., on St. Thomas);  and Wyndham St. Thomas  Development Company, LLC (Time Share Resort on St. Thomas).

All interested persons are hereby notified in accordance with Section 717 Chapter 12 of Title 29, Virgin Islands Code, as amended.   Any person, firm or corporation that is interested in the approval or disapproval of the applications may appear and be heard provided that a written statement is submitted at least one (1) day prior to the hearing to the Chief Executive Officer of the V.I. Economic Development Authority at No. 116 King St., Frederiksted,  St. Croix, USVI 00840; or via facsimile to (340) 773-7701.

Governing  Board  Decision  Meetings:
The VIEDA, the Economic Development Commission, Government Development Bank, Small Business Development Agency and the Enterprise Zone Commission will each be holding Governing Board Decision Meetings on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Virgin Islands Port Authority on St. Thomas on applications and matters which may be brought to the appropriate Board for action.    All interested persons are hereby notified in accordance with Section 254 Chapter 15 of Title 1, Virgin Islands Code, as amended.

Please be advised that the EDA Board of Governors, and its subsidiary Boards, may go into executive session with respect to any decision at any time during the meetings as provided in Title 1 Virgin Islands Code Section 254(b).

For more information, contact the Economic Development Commission at No. 116 King St., Frederiksted, St. Croix, USVI 00840. St. Croix Office Tel. No.: 340-773-6499, Facsimile: 340-773-7701; or at 5055 Norre Gade, St. Thomas, USVI 00802. St. Thomas Office Tel. No.: 340-774-8104, Facsimile: 340-774-8106.

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