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#usvi #islands #jobs
#usvi #islands #jobs
#usvi #islands #jobs
We are here to answer any question you may have.
No. | Company | Trade name | Product or Service | Contact | Location | Mailing Address | Phone | Fax | |
1 | 1st Stop communication, LLC | Internet Telecomunnication | Kemar Harris, Owner | 4126 C Annas Retreat St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 12415, St. Thomas VI 00801 | 305-394-0086 | n/a | sales@onestopwirelessvi.com | |
2 | AA Supplies of St. Thomas | Retailing/wholesaling paper, plastic, cleaning products, etc. | Selwyn Maloney, President | 1-3 GasVerk Gade, St.Thomas | P.O. Box 8740, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 774-6560 | 777-8560 | vinciprospctr@hotmail.com | |
3 | AAC-Air Ambulance Caribbean, Inc. | AERO MD | Air Ambulance Services | Executive VP Finance & Admin. Joyce McKenzie | 8000 Nisky Shopping Center, Suite 1 | 8000 Nisky Shopping Center, Suite 1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 715-7942 | 1-844-237-6631 | jmckenzie@aeromd.com |
4 | ABC Concepts, Inc. | Product/Metal Servicing, General Construction, Fabrication & Welding | Mr. William Koenig | 8744 Lindberg Bay, St. Thomas | 8744 Lindberg, Bay St. Thomas 00802 | 776-7798 | 775-5776 | bill@abcconcepts.us | |
5 | ABC Janitors of St. Croix, Inc. | Janitorial supplies, services and rentals | Mr. Donald Hinkel, President | #123 Estate Welcome, St. Croix | P.O. Box 24510, St. Croix, VI 00824 | 773-3780 | 773-4770 | abcjanitors@attglobal.net | |
6 | ABC Sales & Services,Inc. | Janitorial Services & Supplies | Saul S.Strain Owner | Subbase 110, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O.Box 302955, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-1073 | 775-0346 | Saul@abcvi.com | |
7 | Account Ability, LLC | Bookkeeping & Secretarial Services | Robin Becker | #3 Estate Pearl, C'sted St. Croix VI 00820 | #3 Estate Pearl, C'sted St. Croix VI 00820 | 340-332-5473 | admin@accountabilityvi.com | ||
8 | Adams Lee Smith Consulting, LLC | Auditing & Accounting Services | Esther Smith, Vice President | P.O. Box 8534 St. Thomas | P.O. Box 8534 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 775-7979 | giebertsmith45@hotmail.com | ||
9 | Adcon Enviromental Services, LLC | hazardous waste contractor services | Addison P. Christian General Manager | 3B Estate Pearl, Christiansted, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 3262, Frederiksted, VI 00841 | 713-1703 | adconstx@gmail.com | ||
10 | ADM Technologies, Inc. | Hospitality High Speed Internet | Mr. Trevor Adams, President | 4500 Fort Mylner Ste. 2122, St.Thomas | P.O. Box 307053, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-9464 | 775-1587 | trevor.adams@admtechinc.com trevor@admwireless.com | |
11 | ADT Security Systems V.I., Inc. | Electronic Security (Burglar, Fire, CCTV, Access Control) | William B. Broome, President | 79 Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 309720, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-3355 | 774-6766 | bbroome@adt.com | |
12 | Aggregate, Inc. | Supplier of Processed Construction aggregate (i.e sand and gravel) | Ann E. Abramson, President | 1 Hamms Bay, F'sted VI | P.O Box 1142 C'sted VI 00821 | 773-6001 | 719-0808 | rodger@rodgerbressi.com | |
13 | AK Chandling & Supplies, LLC | AK Chandling & Supplies | Importer of Goods, Solicitor, Sales & Commission Agent Services | Anton Kuipers Manager | 45 Southgate Farm, Christiansted St. Croix, VI 00820 | 5011 Tamarind Reef, Christainsted St. Croix, VI 00820 | 513-9916 | akuipers@carinabay.com | |
14 | Alexandria R. Yannotti, CPA | Accounting Services | Alexandria R. Yannotti, Owner | 8230 Star Route/Shibui #1, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 305775, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-8973 | 715-4575 | sandycpavi@gmail.com | |
15 | Alfonso M. Lopez Fire Safety Equipment Company, LLC | Installing kitchen systems, sales and services of fire protection products and ansul kitchen systems | Alfonso M. Lopez, Owner | 41-61 Frydenhoj St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Ste 201 PMB 272, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 513-2133 642-6818 | islandfiresafetypro@yahoo.com | ||
16 | Alfredo's Landscaping, Inc. | Flower Conserve. & Agriculture Nursery, Importer of Goods, Landscaping, Garden, Maint. Service, Retail Shop & Store | Alfredo J del Olmo | #5 Enighed 1st Qtr. Cruz Bay St. John | P.O. Box 91, St. John, VI 00831 | 774-1655 | 774-1655 | adelolmo@viaccess.net | |
17 | All Around Maintenance | Landscaping, painting, garden and maintenance services | Jerome Lake, President | Guinea Grove, St. John | P.O. Box 10995, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 998-7577/715-3421 | 715-3421 | allaroundmaintenanceinc@yahoo.com | |
18 | All Points Construction, Inc. | Construction Services | Michael Robbins, Sole Owner | 5000 Estate Southgate, St. Croix | P.O. Box 26158, St. Croix, VI 00824 | 718-4558 | 718-4345 | allpointsconstruction@gmail.com | |
19 | Almik Investments, LLC | Caribbean Printing | advertising , printing, and publishing services | Michael Taras, Member | 5012 Starboard Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 5012 Starboard Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, 00820 | 778-8100 | 773-8707 | mike@cpmvi.com |
20 | Alwyn Carty | Alvin Electric | Electrical Services | Alwyn Carty, Owner | Contant 111B, St. Thomas | P. O. Box 306244, St. Thomas, VI. 00803 | 774-4695 | alvinelectric@hotmail.com | |
21 | Ambassador Financial Group, Inc. | Insurance Services | Warner Riviere, President | 6079 Castle Coakley Ste. 6, Christiansted VI 00820-6255 | 6079 Castle Coakley Ste. 6, Christiansted VI 00820-6255 | 778-9506 | 719-6255 | wriviere@ambassadorfinancial.net | |
22 | Ambrosia Gardens, LLC | Landscaping, Garden, Nursery & Maintenance Services | Cindy Ambrosia Shabazz, Owner | 201 Castle Coakley, St. Croix | P.O. Box 5258, C'sted, St. Croix, VI 00823 | 772-0083 | 888-751-5960 | cindy@ambrosiagardensllc.com | |
23 | Amy Rose Herrick | Financial Planning Service | Amy Rose Herrick, Owner | 5020 Estate Solitude Christiansted, VI 00820 | 5020 Estate Solitude Christiansted, VI 00820 | 785-224-8954 | 785-214-4500 | amy@amyroseherrick.com | |
24 | Anchor Services, LLC | Shield Insurance | All Lines of Insurance | Arabia Karaawi Owner | 4002 Raphune Hill Rd., Ste. 303 St. Thomas, VI 00802-2903 | 4002 Raphune Hill Rd., Ste. 303 St. Thomas, VI 00802-2903 | 340-201-1349 | 888-843-1815 | bia@shieldvi.com |
25 | Andrew C. Simpson, PC | Legal Services | Andrew C. Simpson, PC | 14 AB Church Street, Suite # 5, St. Croix | 2191 Church Street, Suite # 5, St. Croix, 00820 | 719-3900 | asimpson@coralbrief.com | ||
26 | Annaly Farms, Inc. | Wholesale/Retail of Fresh and Frozen Foods | Jodie Lawaetz, Vice President | 2AD Est. Upper Love, Frederiksted, St. Croix, VI 00840 | P.O. Box 1576, Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00841 | 778-2229 | 778-0270 | annaly@attglobal.net | |
27 | Annaly Insurance Company, LLC | Supplier of life, health, and auto insurance services | Brent Mays, President | #5001 Suite 4 Christiansted | P.O. Box 26278, Christiansted, VI 00824 | 773-7374 | 773-7312 | bmays3@gmail.com | |
28 | Anneta Adams Heyliger | Adams Financial Services | Bookkeeping, Accounting, Payroll & EDC Compliance | Annetta Adams Heyliger | 4B-9 Estate Fredenhoj St.Thomas, 00802 | P.O. Box 308301 St.Thomas V.I 00803-8301 | 998-1748 | adamsfinancialsvcs@accountant.com | |
29 | Anthony Maclorrain | Anthony Maclorrain | Roofing Contractor, Masonry Contractor | Anthony John Mac Lorrain | #809 Williams Delight, Frederiksted St. Croix VI 00840 | P.O. Box 2314 Frederiksted St. Croix VI 00841 | 719-0996 | pearlmaclorrain@yahoo.com | |
30 | Anthony Plumbing, Inc. | Plumbing Contractor | Charles J. Anthony President | 142 Annas Hope, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 6625, Christainsted St. Croix VI 00823 | 778-7073 | coanthony@hotmail.com | ||
31 | Antillean Engineers, Inc. | Engineering Services | Raymond Berkeley PE, President | P.O. Box 3023, Kingshil St. Croix VI 00851 | 1-B Clifton Hill, Kingshill St. Croix VI 00850 | 340-778-8828 | antilleanengineersvi@gmail.com | ||
32 | Antilles Gas Corporation | Liquified Propane Gas | Angel H. Rosado, Owner | P.O. Box 302067, St. Thomas, VI | P.O. Box 302067, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 777-8427 | 776-4495 | dneely@antillesgas.vi | |
33 | Apex Construction Company, Inc | General Contractor, Construction Management, Heavy Equipment Rental | Joseph E. Hodge | 61-1 Estate Thomas. St.Thomas, USVI 00802 | P.O. Box 3050408 St. Thomas, USVI 00803 | 776-5180 | 775-7276 | apexusvi@gmail.com | |
34 | Aqua A Lab Water Group, Inc. | Poly Caribe | Sales Repair and Maintenance of water pumps | Don Goetz, Owner | 6096 Estate Mariendahl # 7-6, Charlotte Amalie, VI | P.O. Box 9338, St.Thomas, VI, 00801-2338 | 775-4660 | polycaribe@gmail.com | |
35 | Aqua Tek, LLC | Swimming Pool Installation Contractor Services | Lenn DePalma | 5,6,7 Cotton Valley Shores, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 5052 Cotton Valley Shores, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 642-0519 | aqyatekpools@live.com | ||
36 | Art Haven, LLC | Retail of Fine Arts | Jennifer Papataros, Owner | Yacht Haven Grande, St. Thomas, VI | 5304 Yacht Haven Grande, Ste. 104, St. Thomas VI 000802 | 514-7767 | |||
37 | Atlantic Caribbean Consulting, LLC | Business & Management Consulting | Laurence J. Richards Principal | 5B Coakley Bay Christiansted, St. Croix I 00820 | P.O. Box1237 Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00852 | 340-513-2666 | peter@atlanticcaribbeanconsulting.com | ||
38 | Atlantic Maintenece & Trucking Services, Inc. | Trucking, Transportation and Delivery Services | Edmund R. St. Rose, President | #3B Estate Pearl, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 9003 Estate Pearl #3, Suite #3, Christiansted VI 00820 | 773-4312 | atlantictruckingstx@gmail.com | ||
39 | Atlantic Supply, LLC | Parts and Commercial Kitchen Equipment, AC Units and Supplies | Julia Magee Owner | 18L Estate Bovoni, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 7350 Estate Bovoni B108, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 642-7393 | julie@arsusvi.biz parts@atlanticsupplyvi.com | ||
40 | Ava-Gail Bourdon | Bougainvillea Properties | Real Estate Broker | Ava Gail Bourdon | #5 Company Street, Christiansted VI 00820 | 237 Enfield Green, #12 Frederiksted, 00840 | 340-277-4788 | 340-692-0998 | gail@avagailbourdon.com |
41 | B.C. Engineering Supplies Inc. | BC Supplies | Janitorial, Engineering & Safety Supplies | Bernice Cole, President | 348 Mount Pleasant, F'sted, St. Croix | P.O. Box 314, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-9671 | 692-0666 | orders@bcsuppliesvi.com |
42 | Baker Magras & Associates, Inc. | Group Health Insurance | Josephine Magras | 24D Norre Gade, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 7937, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 777-4848 | 776-7870 | jmagras@bakermagras.com | |
43 | Barefoot Design Group, LLC | Architectural Services | A. Michael Milne Owner | 18-23 Estate Enighed, Cruz Bay St. John, VI 00830 | P.O. Box 1772, Mongoose Junction, St. John VI 00831 | 340-693-7665 | 340-693-8411 | michael@barefootaia.com | |
44 | Bart Enterprises, LLC | General Construction Services | Julie Najawicz | 38 Bolongo St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 11295, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 513-2507 | n/a | julie@bartvi.com | |
45 | Bengoa International, Inc. | Air Conditioning Sales & Services and Automotive Services/Repairs | Edgar L. Bengoa, President | 6041 Castle Coakley C'sted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 7150, Christiansted, St. Croix 00823 | 778-3404 | 719-6013 | edgar.bengoa@gmail.com | |
46 | Bertram B. Lowman | The Clothes Line | Embroidery, Tailoring and Alteration Services | Bertram B. Lowman, Owner | 73 Castle Coakley C?sted | P. O. Box 3424 Kingshill, St. Croix, VI. 00851 | 778-3001 | 778-3001 | spinboler@hotmail.com |
47 | Big Lee Repairs & Tile Co. | Construction Services | Leroy Gordon, Owner | Parcel #103 ABC Smith Bay, St.Thomas | P.O. Box 9681, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 775-7797 | 775-3590 | Gcs4100@hotmail.com | |
48 | Blood, Sweat & Tears, LLC dba Windward Logistics | Logistics & Delivery Services | Casie Summers Owner | #26 Charlotte Amalie, Suite 202 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 4608 Tutu Park Mall, Suite 202 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 787-433-6547 | CasieSummers@windwardlogisticsvi.com | ||
49 | Blue Sky Real Estate, LLC | Real Estate , Property management and consulting | Caryn Hodge, Owner | 1011 North Street, Christiansted | 1011 North Street, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 719-1409 | 719-0504 | caryn@blueskyvi.com info@blueskyvi.com | |
50 | Bluewater Construction, LLC | Drywall-sheetrock Installation Contractor Services | Jeremy Henkel Owner | 52F-1 Fortress Storage J-1007 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 514-7585 | arabsatt@bluewater.vi | ||
51 | Blue Water Environmental, LLC | Installation and retail of pump equipment for residential irrigation and septic system services | Adam Cook, Manager | 17A Estate Adrian, St. John VI 00831 | P.O. Box 1765, St. John VI 00831 | 513-9913 | gardensvi@gmail.com | ||
52 | Bohlke International Airways, Inc. | General Aviation Service & Maintenance, Aircraft Fueling Services, and Air Charter Service (per plane) | Ruth Ann Bohlke, Vice President | RR1 Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, St. Croix VI 00850 | RR1 Box 9936, Kingshill, St. Croix, USVI 00850-9710 | 778-9177 | 772-5932 | comptbia@viaccess.net emma@bohlke.com | |
53 | Bootsie's Cleaning Service, Inc. | Janitorial Services & Supplies | Laurence E. Prendergast, Vice-President | 129-131 Subbase, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 10933, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 777-5096 | bootsie2@cfl.rr.com | ||
54 | Boschulte Landscaping, LLC | Landscape and Horticultural Consulting, Maintenance, etc. | James Boschulte, Jr., President | Solberg #19-2, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 303190, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 776-4726 | 776-4726 | jtblandscape@hotmail.com | |
55 | Boyd & Son Construction, LLC | Construction, Masonry and interior finishing services | Matthew Tavernier, Owner | 1568 Frenchman Bay, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 6164, St. Thomas VI 00801 | 201-4984 | 775-3359 | taverniermatthew@yahoo.com | |
56 | Brandermill, Inc. | Austin Advertising | Advertising Services | Brian Squires, President | St. Thomas, Havensight Mall | P. O. Box 1688, St. Thomas, VI. 00804 | 776-7828 | 776-1593 | austinfg@vipowernet.net |
57 | Briggs & Bailey Real Estate Services | John Foster Real Estate | Real Estate Sales & Rental Services | William Bailey, Vice President | 6111 Estate Nazareth, St. Thomas | 6111 Estate Nazareth, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 642-9072 | 775-3301 | nick@usvi-realestate.com |
58 | Broadband VI, LLC | VI E-Cell Broadband VI | Supplier of Internet Service | Abigail Wilson | Peters Rest Shopping Center, Bldg. 14, Bay 3 Christiansted, St.Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 26304, Christiansted, VI 00824 | 719-2943 | 773-6954 | info@broadband.vi Office@broadband.vi |
59 | Brothers Construction, Inc. | Construction Contractor Services | Errol Cromwell, President | 30 Cottage, Christiansted, St. Croix | 9030 Cottage, Christiansted, St. Croix, 00820 | 778-5052 | 778-6625 | cromwell@islands.vi cromwell.errol@gmail.com | |
60 | Bruenlin Construction, LLC | Carpentry contracting services, and dry wall and sheet rock installation | James H. Breunlin, Jr. | #29 Estate Elizabeth | P.O. Box 305148, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 344-4224 | 777-6352 | Breunlinconstruction@hotmail.com | |
61 | Bryan's Electrical Contracting Corp. | Electrical Contractual Services, and sale of electrical supplies | Denny Bryan, President | E 210 Subbase, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 306407, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 776-2748 | 776-7180 | danielle.johnson@bryanselectric.com | |
62 | Bugbusters, INC. d/b/a Terminix USVI | Pest & Termite Control | Jose Rivera | 6300 Ste 1 Petersrest Christiansted VI 00820 | 6300 Ste 1 Petersrest Christiansted VI 00820 | 778-9191 | 778-9797 | jrivera@terminix.com | |
63 | Bunkers of St. Croix, Inc. | Diesel and Gasoline Fuel | Lucia Hendrickson | #27 Castle Coakley, St. Croix | 778-8066 | 719-2156 | bunkers@vipowernet.net | ||
64 | Business Basics VI, LLC | Corporate Business Services to Include (Business & Management Consulting and Business Licensing Processing Services) | Brett Geary, Member | 9100 Port of Sale Mall, Suite 15, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 9100 Port of Sale Mall, Suite 15, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 776-8812 | 1-888-815-0482 | info@bizusvi.com | |
65 | Business World, Ltd. | Business World Essential for the Office Office Designs by Essentials | Sales and Service of Office Equipment | Mary Sluss, Vice President | 3018 Orange Grove, C'sted, St. Croix | 3018 Orange Grove, Christiansted, VI 00820 P.O. Box 1781 C'sted, St Croix VI 00821 | 718-7480 | 718-3400 | laure@businessworldvi.com |
66 | Butler and Fitzsimmons,Inc. | Gotts & Associates | Insuarnce Services | Carl A. Gotts President | 404 Estate La Grande Princesse, Suite 3 Christiansted,VI 00820 | P.O. Box 1150 Christiansted, VI 00821 | 340-332-1579 | Carl@InsuranceVI.com | |
67 | C.A. Ferreyra & Associates, Inc. | Commercial and residential architectural services | Carlos A. Ferreyra, President | 3A-25 St. Peter, St. Thomas, VI | P.O. Box 304993, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 340-998-3813 774-0745 | ferreyraarchitects@yahoo.com cafarchitects@gmail.com | ||
68 | C&C Painting, Inc. | painting, drywall-sheetrock installation services | David & Catherine Coulter, Owners | 4B-B Est. Bovoni, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 10053, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 776-5801 | 776-5801 | painter1@vipowernet.net | |
69 | C4th, Inc. | Coral Bay Caribbean Custom Clothing | Custom Embroidery of Logo, Names, etc. on Clothing & Hats, etc. | Daniel McClung, Vice-President | 14 Estate Emious, St. John | 9901 Connections, St. John, VI 00830 | 779-4047 | 779-4047 | c4thinc@gmail.com |
70 | Calabash Real Estate, LLC | Real Estate Services | Helen m. Edwards, Owner | 4126 La Grande Princess, Christiansted | 4126 La Grande Princess, Christiansted, St. Croix 00820 | 718-5285 | 718-8345 | honnie@calabashrealtors.com | |
71 | Calidad Construction & Maintenance, LLC | General Construction Services | John Herbert Member | #72 Estate River, Christiansted, VI 00840 | P.O. Box 1428, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 850-733-1034 | calidadstx7@gmail.com | ||
72 | Calvo Medical Equip. VI, Inc. | Medical Supplies & Equipments | Jennifer O'neill, President | Chandlers Wharf B6 Christiansted VI 00824 | P.O. Box 25737, St. Croix, VI 00824 | 773-6157 | 719-5538 | calmedsales@gmail.com | |
73 | Calypso Realty PC | Real Estate Sales & Services | Sharon E. A. Hupprich | #1 Havensight Way , St. Thomas | P.O. Box 12178, St. Thomas, VI 00801-5178 | 774-1620 | 774-1634 | Carlene@CalypsoRealty.com | |
74 | Capital Records Management, Inc. | Storage, Scrap Paper Collection and Sales Services | Richard C. Spenceley, III | #73 Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 5080 Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 774-4141 | 776-3104 | capitalrecordsmanagement@gmail.com | |
75 | Carib Oil , Inc. | Importer of goods , wholesale & Lubecards | Stacy Loveland, Vice President | 7411 Estate Bovoni, Unit #101 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 7411 Estate Bovoni, Unit #101 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-2645 | 775-0115 | oil@unitedstates.vi | |
76 | Caribbean Solar Company, LLC | Solar System Installation and Sales; Energy Efficient Light Bulb Sales; Public Insurance Adjuster | Maya Matthews-Sterling, Owner/Manager | 8X Estate Carolina, St. John VI 00830 | 9901 Emmaus, St. John VI 00830 | 643-6000 | 888-340-1391 | info@caribbeansolarcompany.com | |
77 | Caribbean Auto Mart | Auto Dealer of New & Used Cars & Trucks | William D. Lambert, President | 5B Annas Retreat, St. Thomas | 4523 Estate Charlotte Amalie | 777-7600 | 777-7060 | bill@lambert.vi | |
78 | Caribbean Computer Consortium, LLC | Computer Sales, Related IT Equipment and Services | Andrew McNeal, Owner | 9160 Estate Thomas, St. Thomas VI | 9160 Estate Thomas - PMB 207, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 642-2928 | 866-258-5435 | andrewm@ccconsort.com | |
79 | Caribbean Foodservice, Inc. | Dry groceries, Paper products & Cleaning supplies | Howard Bowring, President | 7350 Estate Bovoni Ste 114 St. thomas, VI 00802 | 7350 Estate Bovoni Ste 114 St. thomas, VI 00802 | 754-800-3663 | 305-675-7833 | cfisales@foodservicevi.com Buckhalton-joe@foodservicevi.com Bowring-howard@foodservicevi.com Herbert-natasha@foodservicevi.com | |
80 | Caribbean Inflatable Boats & Liferafts, Inc. | Boat and Safety Equipment Sales & Fire Suppression Systems Sales and Certification | Janis French, General Manager | 41-3C Frydenhoj, Unit #1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 41-3C Frydenhoj, Unit #1 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-6159 | 775-2014 | janis@caribbeaninflatable.com | |
81 | Caribbean Leasing & Eco Transportation, LLC | Drive Green VI | Garage and repair shops, motoe vehicle dealer and car leasing services | Mr. Adrien E. Austin Managing Member | #10 Estate Contant St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 3017 Estate Contant St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 693-6014 | dhaddow@drivegreenvi.com | |
82 | Caribbean Risk Group, LLC | All Lines of Insurance | Joseph Brugos Managing Member | 9053 Estate Thomas, Suite 101 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 9053 Estate Thomas, Suite 101 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 774-2323 | 888-316-9269 | jbrugos@crgvi.com | |
83 | Caribbean Travel Agency, Inc. | Travel, Tour and Sightseeing Services | Courtney Gabrielson, Secretary/Treasurer | 14 AB The Guardian Building, Havensight, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 301855, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-1855 | 776-9597 | courtney@caribbeantravelusvi.com | |
84 | Caribbean Wine Club, LLC | Custom Brokerage & Logistic Services | Richard Dominguez | 6318 Pastory St. John,VI 00830 | 6318 Pastory St. John,VI 00830 | 514-6683 | rd@caribbeanwineclub.com | ||
85 | Caribbean Pool Maintenance & Repairs, LLC | Cistern and Pool Cleaning and Painting Contractor Services | Bryanna Bryan-Joseph President | 2C Mariendahl St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 14N-6 Estate Thomas St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 626-3223 | caribbeanpool20@gmail.com | ||
86 | Caribe Craft Holdings, LLC | Woodworking, Millwork, Cabinetry | George Munzar, President | 8262 Sub Base #106, St.Thomas, VI, 00802-5849 | P.O. Box 302310, St.Thomas, VI, 00803-2310 | 774-9545 | 774-9762 | george@caribecraft.com | |
87 | Carlos Electric, LLC | Electrical Services (Residential & Commercial) | Carlos V. Elias Sole Member | 101E Estate Whim Frederisted, St. Croix VI 00840 | P.O. Box 2629 Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00841 | 513-4529 | carloselectricllc@gmail.com | ||
88 | Center Island, LLC | Commercial Property Rental & Leasing Services | Maher Yusuf Co-Owner | 42 Queen Cross Street Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 763 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00821 | 773-1498 | wiesnerstcroix@gmail.com | ||
89 | Centerline Car Rentals, Inc. | Car Rental & Leasing Services | Richard White President | 9938 Airport Road, Kingshill VI 00850 | P.O. Box 1529, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 340-692-2525 | 719-2965 | rwhite@ccrvi.com | |
90 | Central Air, Inc. | Supply & Install Commercial, Residential Air Conditioning, etc. | Roslin R. Vanterpool, Secretary | #11B Sub Base, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | P.O Box 8825, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 777-8322 | 777-8320 | centralair.vi@gmail.com | |
91 | Centurion Security System | Burglar Alarms | Lenroy Ravalier | 347 Estate Windburg, St.Thomas | P.O. Box 503120, St. Thomas VI 00805-3120 | 775-4175 | 777-3130 | css1990@yahoo.com | |
92 | Channels, Inc. | S&R Telecommunications Consultants | Public Pay Phones and Sales, Installation of Satellite Systems, etc. | Robert Petersen, President | 6600 Estate Nazareth, Suite 1 & 2, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 11576, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-1234 Cell:340-690-0048 | 777-3308 | snrtel@viaccess.net |
93 | Charles Electrical Services, LLC | Electrical Contracting Services | Covey Charles, President | 18B-2 Lindberg Bay St.Thomas | P.O. Box 9624, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 998-8066 | 714-8066 | charles@charleselectricvi.com | |
94 | Choice Communications, LLC | Cable Television, WDSL (Internet) & SMR Paging/Radios | Tony Shephord, General Manager | 9719 Estate Thomas, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 12030 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 244-0400 | 776-7240 | tshephord@choice.vi | |
95 | Christiansted Equipment, LTD | Distribution of construction and other Industrial Supplies and Equipment | Mary G. McKenna, Owner | 55 Recovery Christians, Christiansted, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 1567 Kingshill, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00851-1567 00820 | 692-7264 Cell:340-332-6787 | 340-692-3188 | jbingham@chrisequip.com | |
96 | Coldwell Banker Schmidt US Virgin Islands, LLC | Coldwell Banker St. Croix Realty | Real Estate Agents & Brokers | Bry Locher Managing Broker | 5030 Anchor Way, Suite 12, St. Croix 00820 | 5030 Anchor Way, Suite 12, St. Croix 00820 | 227-7657 | 718-7003 | bry@coldwellbankervi.com info@coldwellbankervi.com |
97 | Comfort Air HV AC Engineer | Air condition,. Parts, sales and services | Fitzroy Alexis Brookes | 142 Mahagony Estate, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 6526, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 714-2064 | 714-2061 | comfort_air@hotmail.com | |
98 | Commercial Security Services, Ltd., Inc. | Armed & Unarmed Security Services | Cheryl Brown, Owner | 70 Subbase St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 306840, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-5000 | 774-3809 | css@islands.vi | |
99 | Complete Networking Solutions, LLC | Telecommunication, consultations, engineering & fiber optics | Ken C. Webster, Sr. | P.O. Box 306628, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 306628, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 776-5953 | 776-5955 | kcwebster@cns.vi | |
100 | Computer Solutions, Inc. | Computer supplies, software, etc. | Mr. Alex Pelovitz, President | 118 Mt. Welcome, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 5012 Starboard Street, Suite #2 Christiansted, St. Croix, 00820 | 778-7423 | 778-7249 | apelovitz@gmail.com | |
101 | Continental and Construction Engineering, LLC | General Construction & Electrical Contractor | Ms. Cherie Munchez Manager | 6253 Estate Peters Rest C'sted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 6253 Estate Peters Rest C'sted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 954-254-9393 | cherie@clevermaniacs.com | ||
102 | Cool Signs, LLC | Graphic Designs & Sign Manufacturing Services | Jill Farley, Owner | 7411 Estate Bovoni #107 Bulk Storage Commercial Center St. Thomas 00802 | 7411 Estate Bovoni #107 Bulk Storage Commercial Center St. Thomas 00802 | 775-0549 | 775-7152 | info@coolsignsvi.com | |
103 | Cornerstone Insurance Services, Inc. | All Lines of Isurance Services | Meaghan Richardson Owner | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 777-4900 | meaghan@cisusvi.com | ||
104 | Cruzan Environmental Services, Inc. | Rental of Equipment, Garbage Removal, Sewer Cleaning & Rodding Services | John Beagles General Manager/President | 31-4 Estate Lower Love Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00850 | P.O. Box 3018 Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 772-1038 | cesstx@Hotmail.com | ||
105 | Cutting Edge Construction, Inc. | Construction Contractor Services | Attlee Connor, Owner/President | 1-1-9 Estate Grunwald, Cruz Bay St. John, VI 00831 | P.O. Box 156, Cruz Bay, St. John VI 00830 | 813-334-2997 | aconnor@cecincvi.net | ||
106 | Danny Edwards, Natalie Joseph | Safe Watch Security Systems | Installation of Fire & Burglar Alarms | Danny Edwards Owner | 173B-62 Annas Retreat | P.O. Box 503044, St. Thomas USVI 00805 | 244-8675 | mysafewatch@yahoo.com | |
107 | Darwin Dowling | Tri-Delta Services | Courier Services | Darwin Dowling | 248 St. Georges, Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00840 | P.O. Box 1595, Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00841 | 642-6961 | cobradd667@yahoo.com | |
108 | David J Follman | Follman Construction | Construction Contractor Services | David Follman, Owner | 393 Cotton Valley, St Coix | P.O. Box 26234, Christiansted, St. Croix, 00824 | 771-8426 | djfcroix@yahoo.com | |
109 | David N. Maxwell | Mad Max Signs | Sign Painting Services | David Neil Maxwell, Owner | 9B Contant, St. Thomas V.I. 00802 | P.O. Box 306795, St. Thomas V.I 00803 | (340) 513-2694 | 774-9529 | max@madmaxsigns.com |
110 | David Rossington | Nevco Marketing Enterprises | Paper & Cleaning Supplies, Food , etc. | David J Rossington, Owner | 79 Estate Castle Coakley, St. Croix | P.O. Box 2296, Kings Hill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 690-0564 | 719-4809 | nevcomaarketing@yahoo.com |
111 | DCM Corporation | Construction Management, General contracting | Marcus Shite, President | 6501 Red Hook Plaza # 201 St Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza # 201 St Thomas, VI 00802 | 344-3562 | 714-7407 | dcmdebbiefleming@earthlink.net | |
112 | Deal Time Heavy Equipment Rentals, LLC | Excavating, Clearing Lands & Paving Roads | Adelbert LeDee | 1403 4th Street, Estate Thomas 1st Floor, St. Thomas 00802 | P.O. Box 302125, St. thomas, VI 00803 | 340-473-7623 | 340-693-3636 | v | |
113 | DeAnn Wessing, CPA | Office of Certified Public Accountants | Deann Wessing | P.O. Box 1018, St. Thomas VI 00804 | P.O. Box 1018, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 714-3048 | wessingcpa@yahoo.com | ||
114 | Deepak Bansal, CPA | Accounting Services, Tax Consulting, Preparation and Audits | Deepak Bansal, Sole Proprietor | 16A Church Street, 2nd Floor, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 16A Church Street, 2nd Floor, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 778-2900 514-2900 | 719-6465 | deepak_cpa@yahoo.com | |
115 | Deft,Inc. | Car Rental Services | Adrien E. Austin Owner | 15 Remainder Estate Lindberg Bay St. Thomas, VI 00802 | #10 Lindbergh Bay St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 776-1500 | dhaddow@drivegreenvi.com | ||
116 | Delta Electric & Construction Company, Inc. | Construction and electrical contracting services | Charles King, Jr., President | 6-GB Peter's Rest, St. Croix | P.O. Box 1138, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-9525 | 773-3267 | deltaelec@viaccess.net | |
117 | Dennis R. Sheraw & Associates, Inc. | Security Guards; Investigation Services | Dennis R. Sheraw President | 5131 Estate Welcome, St. Croix VI 00820 | 5131 Estate Welcome, St. Croix VI 00820 | 773-3110 | 773-3113 | drsi4244@gmail.com | |
118 | Design Lab Architects, LLC | Architectural Services | Hera Psaros, Owner | 195 La Vallee, Frederiksted VI 00840 | P.O. Box 767, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 626-8978 | hera@designlabvi.com | ||
119 | Devorath Elcock | Virgin Islands Financial Alternatives | Project Coordinator/Consultant - Research & Temporary Management Services | Devorath Elcock, Owner | 217 Estate La Grande Princess, C'sted St. Croix 00820 | P.O. Box 4934, Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 214-748-3647 | devorath@gmail.com | |
120 | Dhymond Nicholls | Rock Citees printing | Silk Screen Manufacturing Services | Ms. Dhymond Nicholls Owner/Operator | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 201-307 St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 10753 St. Thomas VI 00801 | 340-244-7133 | rockcitees@gmail.com | |
121 | Digital Protection Plus, LLC | Installation of Fire & Burglar Alarms Services | Saba George Co-Owner | 52-F-1 Estate Thomas St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O.Box 307995 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 340-998-6589 | digitalprotectionplus@gmail.com | ||
122 | Discount Travel, Inc. | Beverly Clarke, Treasurer | 2369 Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 2369 Kronprindsens Gade, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 777-8273 | 779-7283 | discounttravel@vipowernet.net | ||
123 | Donald Pogue | Island Mechnical | ac/refrigeration equipmenst and parts installation services | Donald Pogue President | #14 Peters Rest Shop Center, Suite Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 26017 Chrsitainsted, St. Croix VI 00824 | 340-626-4799 | islandmech@gmail.com | |
124 | Driscoll Construction, Inc. | General Contractor | Richard D. Driscoll, President | 10-14 Est. Petersburg, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 6528, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 777-6119 | |||
125 | Dynasty Stitching | Style & Stitch | Office supplies, uniforms, tailoring and alteration services | Sana Joseph-Smith Co-Owner | 4C & 4D Estate Sion Farm, Bay #10 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 1013 Estate Whim Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00840 | 642-6886 | dynastystitching@gmail.com | |
126 | E&M Cleaning Services | E&C Cleaning Services | Janitorial Services | Edward St. Aimee | Annas Retreat 173C-29 Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 304791 Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas VI 00803 | 513-4016 | staimee7@gmail.com | |
127 | East End Watersports/ Nauti Nymph. | Powerboat rental | Ute Moriano, President | American Yacht Harbor, St. Thomas | 6501 Suite 201 Red Hook Plaza, St.Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-5066 | 779-1867 | powerboat.vi@yahoo.com | |
128 | Edwin & Bert Exterminating, LLC | Exterminating and Pest Control Services | Edwin Belardo Manager | #90 Estate Solitude Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 223828 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00822 | 277-1614 | edwinbelardo2@gmail.com | ||
129 | Electric World, Inc. | Electrical & Plumbing Supplies | Arthur Davis | #74 Est. Contant, St. Thomas | #74 Estate Contant, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 774-1200 | 775-9498 | electric-world@hotmail.com | |
130 | Eleven Construction | Construction Contracting Services and Heavy Equipment Rental | Jean Patrick Vivot, President | 9010 Estate Cottage Christiansted, VI 00820 | 9010 Estate Cottage Christiansted, VI 00820 | 713-1100 | 719-1101 | patrick.vivot@gmail.com | |
131 | Elite Medical Supply, Inc. | Medical Supplies & Equipments | Simone Letang, Managing Member | 4100 Raphune hill, Suite 106, St. Thomas 00802 | 4100 Raphune hill, Suite 106, St. Thomas 00802 | 779-8116 | 779-8116 | emsusvi@gmail.com | |
132 | Environmental Concepts, Inc. | Asbestos Abatement & Remediation Services | Dr. John Verstraaten | 118 Mt. Welcome, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 1142 King Street, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 771-0550 | 773-5361 | john@encon-online.com | |
133 | Esther Caraballo | Alpha Administrative Services | Secretarial and Business License Processing Services | Esther Caraballo Owner | 6-3 Estate Contant, Faith Gardens St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 1211 St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 513-2500 | alphaservicesvi@gmail.com | |
134 | Ericson Revan | Labour Construction | Construction Services | Ericson Revan, Owner | 12-B Bonne Esperance, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 21-05 Bonne Esperance, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 474-4418 | erevands61@gmail.com | |
135 | Executive Office Equipment | Xerox Equipment, Supplies, etc. | Laurence Bonelli , President | DELIVER IT WAREHOUSE 129-131 SUB BASE St. Thomas, VI 00804 | P.O. Box 6217, St. Thomas , VI 00804 | 776-7399 | 1-877-286-6143 | bonelli@eoeusvi.com | |
136 | FABA, Inc. | East End Lumber | Building material and hardware supplies | Gastelle Foster | 6396 Annas Retreat, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 4092, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 775-3993 | 776-9034 | gfoster@eastendlumber.com |
137 | Falcon Gas, LLC | Gasoline, Diesel, Auto Supplies and Convenient Store Services | Maher Yusuf C0-Owner | 4-B Estate Sion Farm Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 763 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00821 | 778-6240 | 778-1200 | info@falconvi.com | |
138 | Falken USVI, LLC | security systems, consulting, equipment installation and armored car services | Robert Ord President | 9718 Estate Thomas St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6115 Estate Smith Bay, Suite 330 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 703-348-7497 | rg@falkenusvi.com | ||
139 | FC Bookkeeping Services | Bookkeeping Services, Tax Consultant & Secretarial Services | Cydrenia Ferness | 4392 Anna's Retreat Unit 4B, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 503334, St. Thomas, VI 00805 | 513-4827 | 776-4434 | fcbookkeepings@hotmail.com | |
140 | Ferrol Trucking Services, Inc. | Trucking, Transportation and Delivery Services | Edmund Ferrol, President | Wilfred Allick Container Port, St. Croix | P.O. Box 3800, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-9602 | 778-9889 | ferroltr@viaccess.net | |
141 | Fibernet, Inc. | fiber Optics installation, computer networking and software support services | Jacqueline Rey, Owner | #4-10A Estate Tabor & Harmony, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 9347, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 690-1542 | 775-5855 | datacomm.vi@gmail.com | |
142 | First Phase Datacomm, LLC | Comminucation, Equipment & Installation Contractor Services | Brummell Germain President | 18-38 Estate Enighed Bldg. 1, Ste. | P.O. Box 647, Cruz Bay, St. John VI 00831 | 998-0458 | b.germain@firstphasevi.com | ||
143 | First Resort Painting | Painting Contractor | Walter I. Bostwick, Owner | P.O. Box 14-5 Bonne Resolution, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 505, St. Thomas, Vi 00804 | 690-2898 | 777-8136 | firstresortpainting@gmail.com | |
144 | Florida Welding West Indies Steel, Inc. | Construction and Steel Erection Services | Paul Stewart, President | 9 A Estate Cottage, Christiansted | 9009 Suite #2 | 778-9532 | 778-9532 | pstewart.wis@floridawelding.com | |
145 | Foltyn Carpentry, LLC | Carpentry Contractor | Michael Foltyn Owner | 52 Estate Ruby, Queen Quarters, Christiansted VI 00820 | P.O. Box 983, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 277-2634 | mikefoltyn@yahoo.com | ||
146 | Four Star Construction, LLC | Construction and Concrete | Roystin S. David Sr., President | 2-3E Estate Bovoni, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 301792, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 690-2118 | 776-4474 | fourstarconstruction4@yahoo.com | |
147 | Francis #1 Masonry Service | Masonry Services | Ferdinand Francis, Owner | P.O. Box 503295, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 503295, St. Thomas, VI 00805 | 775-9925 | 775-9925 | ferdinandfrancis@hotmail.com | |
148 | Frank Hazel d/b/a Franklin Hazel Landscaping | Masonry & Tile setting | Frank Hazel, Owner | P.O. Box 8653, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 8653, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 775-7037 | |||
149 | Franklin Harrigan | Harrigan's Asphalt Paving & Seal Coating | Asphalt Paving Services | Franklin Harrigan, Owner | #4 BD Estate Bovoni, St. Thomas, VI | P.O. Box 503042, St. Thomas, VI 00805 | 690-8449 | 775-6273 | hapsfranco@yahoo.com |
150 | Franklin Marte | Real Tech Exterminating | Exterminating and Pest Control Services | Frankling Marte, Owner | Sun Self Storage #4 Barren Spot, St. Croix | P.O. Box 7368, St. Croix, VI 00823 | 778-4139 | 778-4139 | franklinmarte@hotmail.com |
151 | FS Islander Holdings, LLC | U.S. Virgin Islands Sotheby's International Realty | Real Estate Services | Lee Steiner | 1A-1 Estate Lovenlund (1), St. Thomas VI | 6501 Red Hook, Ste. 201, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 998-2753 642-8400 | leesteiner@sothebysrealty.com | |
152 | Fun Water Tours, Inc. | Commercial Boat Tours | James Trilling, Owner | 5 Estate Bakkaroe, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 9430, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 998-6789 | jim@thevicat.com | ||
153 | Fusion Solutions, LLC | Communication , wiring and installation services | Brandon Richardson, Owner | P.O. Box 304418, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 304418, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 690-4044 | 777-3597 | brandon@fusionsolutionsllc.com | |
154 | Gallows Bay Hardware, Inc. | Industrial & Plumbing Supplies, etc. | Ms. Elizabeth Armstrong, President | 5020 Anchorway, Gallows Bay, Suite 1, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 5020 Anchorway, Gallows Bay, Suite 1, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-1034 | 773-0053 | michael@gbhardware.com | |
155 | Gary M. Bourdon, PC | Land Surveyor Services | Gary M. Bourdon, Owner | #12 Enfield Green, St. Croix | 237 Enfield Green #2, Fredericksted, St. Croix 00840 | 692-2365 | 340-692-0998 | stxproperty@gmail.com | |
156 | GEC, LLC | Construction Contractor | John R. Wessel, President | Vitex Bldg. East Airport Rd., St. Croix | P.O. Box 1656, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-0200 | 778-2545 | jwessel@gecusvi.com | |
157 | Geek Emporium, Inc. | Reliable Network Solutions | Computer supplies, Equipment and Technical Support Services | Richard Mackay, Partner | 3 Estate Pearl, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 3 Estate Pearl, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 778-5565 | 340-713-0724 | richard@reliablevi.com |
158 | Gibbs Bully | Bully Gibbs Landscaping & Maintence | Landscaping, Gardening & Maintenance Services | Bully Gibbs Owner | #45 Mount Pleasant East Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | #45 Mount Pleasant East Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 340-201-3477 | bullyg2007@gmail.com | |
159 | Glass 2000, Inc. | Glass 2000 STT & STX | Glass, Doors, Shutters & Customized Installation Services | Edgardo Torres, President | RR 1# 9118 Little Princess, Christiansted | RR 1# 9118 Little Princess, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 718-0588 | 718-7112 | glass2000inc@yahoo.com |
160 | Global Entry, LLC | Island Delivery Service | Customs Entries and Import Documents | Debbie Henry | 9091 Castle Coakley, 00820 St. Croix | 9091 Castle Coakley, 00820 St. Croix | 773-1600 | 773-9132 | idsstx@gmail.com |
161 | Gold Coast Yachts, Inc. | Baot Manufacturer and Repair Services | Richard A. Difede President | 9010 Estate Salt River, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 9010 Estate Salt River, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 778-1004 | richd@goldcoastyachts.com | ||
162 | Grade-All Heavy Equipment, Inc. | Heavy Equipment Rental Services | Eric Castro, President | 32 Subbase St. Thomas VI 00802 | 8168 Crown Bay Marina Suite 310, PMB 373-00802, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 776-3355 | 774-1300 | ewcastro@gade-all.com | |
163 | H & W Construction Corporation | General Construction Services | Barry Hughes President | 9200 Estate Thomas, Vitraco Park -2 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 9200 Estate Thomas, Vitraco Park -2 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 998-2648 | hugheselectricvi@gmail.com | ||
164 | H & W Enterprises, Inc. | Wholesaler of Food, Beverage or Liquor | Henry P. Honigfort, President | 161D Crown Bay, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 8499, St. Thomas, VI 00801-1499 | 774-3535 | fortbay@viaccess.net fortbay @yahoo.com | ||
165 | Haldane Davies | Orion Consultancy Services | Business & management Consulting Services | Haldane Davies Executive Director | 311M Mahogany Run St. Thomas VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201 PMB 482 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 786-905-7141 | haldanedavies@orionconsultancyservices.com | |
166 | Heavy Materials, LLC | Stone, Glass, Clay & Concrete Services | Todd Jackson General Manager | 7865 Estate Marriendahl, St. Thomas | 7865 Estate Marriendahl, St. Thomas | 775-0100 | 777-7499 | d.gurlea@heavymaterialsvi.com | |
167 | Heights Construction | Construction Contractor | Elroy E. Swanston | 1c Goldenrock, St. Croix | P.O. Box 1818, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 779-3763 | 719-3381 | heightsconst@yahoo.com | |
168 | Hera Psaros | Design Lab | Interior Decorating Services | Hera Psaros, Owner | P.O. Box 767, Christiansted | P.O. Box 767, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 718-0725 | 626-8978 | hera@designlabvi.com |
169 | High Tide Solutions, LLC | Computer Consulting & Networking Services | Andre Green, President | 5032 Anchor Way, Christiansted 00820 | P.O. Box 26424 St. Croix, VI 00824 | 514-0366 or 692-7811 | 692-7813 | info@hightidesolutions.com info@htsvi.net | |
170 | Holiday Homes of St. John, Inc. | Real Estates Sales & Services | R. Miles Stair | Star Fish Market Place, St. John | P.O. Box 40 St. John VI 00831 | 776-6776 | 340-774-8042 | info@holidayhomesvi.com | |
171 | Hospitality Services, Inc. | Host-U Services & Training Consultants | Staffing, Outsourcing, Janitorial, Training & Consulting | Samuel Rey, President | Smith Bay #115, Frydenhoj 6363 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 11505, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 774-4678 | 776-1307 | host_u@yahoo.com |
172 | Housekeeper Pro, LLC | Janitorial and Supply Services | David Ogiste President | Smith Bay Center, Suite 113, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 1084, St. Thomas VI 00804 | 642-1084 | housekeeperprollc@gmail.com | ||
173 | Hughes Electric, Inc. | Electrical Contractor Services | Barry Hughes President | 9200 Estate Thomas, Vitraco Park -2 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 9200 Estate Thomas, Vitraco Park -2 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 998-2648 | hugheselectricvi@gmail.com | ||
174 | Impact Construction, LLC | Construction, Project Management, and Construction Refurbishment Services | Aikeem J. Harris, Member Manager/CEO | 5302 Yacht Haven Grande, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 9196, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 513-7328 | 776-7349 | sha148@aol.com aikeem@impactconstructionvi.com | |
175 | Impex Trading Int'l | Sea Chest | Paints & Hardware Products | Kristine Brunt &Thomas Brunt III Owners | #2 Crown Bay, St. Thomas | 3806 Crown Bay, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 776-2988 513-4697 | 776-2547 | cgreauxacehardwarevi.com |
176 | In House Maintenance & Management Services, LLC | Maintenance, Repairs and Garbage Removal Services | Darren Blyden Owner | P.O. Box 502518, St. Thomas VI 00805 | P.O. Box 502518, St. Thomas VI 00805 | 626-1227 | inhousemaintenanceservices@hotmail.com | ||
177 | Independent Sea Tours, LLC | Boat Charter Services | Jack C. Peevey Owner | 14-10A Estate St. Peter, St. Thomas USVI 00802 | 14-10A Estate St. Peter, St. Thomas USVI 00802 | 344-6397 | kellipv@gmail.com | ||
178 | Innovations by Design, Inc. | Printing and Business/Office Suite Services | Stacy Bourne, President | 2369 Kronprindsens Gade Ste 8-102, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 2369 Kronprindsens Gade Ste 8-102 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 777-8046 | 714-1431 | sbourne@innovationsbydesign.com | |
179 | Inove Asset Management, LLC | Business and Management consulting services | Toussaint D. Gaskins, Preseident | 6513 Golf Village , #15, St. Thomas | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, #201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 800-340-5020 | 888-408-8885 | tdgaskins@inoveam.com iam@inoveam.com | |
180 | Instrument & Control Systems, Inc. | Instrument, electrical construction and maintenance services | Brenda J. Diaz, Owner | 109 Estate Castle Coakley, Christiansted, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 1860, Kingshill, VI 00851 | 778-7475 | 7787823 | jdiaz@icsvi.com | |
181 | International Rental & Leasing Corp. | Budget Rent A Car | Rental Car Services, Automobile Rentals | Mario Austin, Owner | # 3017 Contant, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 303887, St. Thomas, VI 0083 | 776-5774 | 774-5960 | maustin@budgetstt.com |
182 | Inter Island Boat Services, Inc. | Sundance Breeze, Sundance Queen, MV N.S.I., MV Novelle & Mona Queen | Commercial Boat Passenger Service | Clifton A. Boynes, Sr. President | 1A Cruz Bay Creek, Cruz Bay St. John VI 00831 | P.O. Box 548, Cruz Bay St. John VI 00831 | 776-6597 | 693-7166 | interisland@islands.vi |
183 | Inter-Ocean Insurance Agency, Inc. | All Lines of Insurance | Aston Wayne Harty, President | #7B Peters Rest Shopping Center | P.O. Box 4134, Christiansted, St. Croix, 00822 | 773-4600 | 773-4190 | interocean@vipowernet.net | |
184 | Island Care Experts, LLC | Repair and Maintenance of Misc. Items Installation of Equipment | Rachel Thompson Owner | 3QB Estate Saint Peter St. Thomas VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite201-130 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 340-643-1278 | islandcareexperts@gmail.com | ||
185 | Island Designs Landscape & Storm Water Soultions, LLC | Landscaping, Gardening, Maintenance and Project Coordinator/Consultant Services | Duane Ferguson | 62-3A & 62-3B Estate Thomas, Suite 101 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 7200 Regatta Point, 8D St. Thomas,VI 00802 | 776-8812 | all@bizusvi.com | ||
186 | Island Links Suppliers, LLC | Island Links Logistics | Project coordinator/consultant and janitorial and supply services | Cyndrenia Ferness President | 4392 Annas Retreat, Suite 4B St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 4392 Annas Retreat, Suite 4B St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 201-0915 | islandlinksmanagement@gmail.com | |
187 | Island Media Systems, LLC | Business & Management Consulting, Installation of Equipment and Importer of Goods | Robert G. Moron, II President | #33 Estate Thomas, St. Thomas USVI 00802 | P.O. Box 11022, St. Thomas USVI 00801 | 201-1766 | rob.morone@mediarescue.net | ||
188 | Island Services Group, LLC | Electrical and Renewable Energy Services | Kimberly McCollum, Owner | 6D-A Estate St. John | P.O. Box 666 C'sted, VI 00821 | 340.643.8709 | kmmc@islandservicesgroup.com | ||
189 | Island Title Services Corporation | Title Insurance and related Services | Gerald Groner, President | 27-28 King Cross Street, Christiansted | 2155 King Cross Street, Suite 4, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820-4842 | 773-3930 | 773-3654 | islandtitlevi@gmail.com | |
190 | J. Benton Construction, LLC | Construction Contractor Services | James Benton, Owner | 3000 Orange Grove, Christiansted | 3000 Orange Grove, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 718-7222 | 718-4779 | jbenton@jbcvi.com | |
191 | Jackson Cleaning Services, LLC | Janitorial & Cleaning services | Gertrudis Jackson, Owner | P.O. Box 9172, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 9172, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 474-0094 | 776-5405 | jacksoncleaningvi@yahoo.com | |
192 | Jacobs & Brady PC | Legal Services | Edward Haskins Jacobs | #7 Church Street, C'sted, St. Croix | 2121 (16A) Queens Street, C'sted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-3322 | 773-2566 | edwardjacobs@yahoo.com | |
193 | James Adams Electrical, LLC | Electrical Contractor Services | James J. Adams III, Owner/Operator | 131 Mount Welcome,Suite 2N Christainsted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 26031, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00824 | 513-0247 | jadams3elec@gmail.com | ||
194 | James P. Sheets, CPA | Accounting Services | James P. Sheets | #1 Queen Cross St. #4 C'sted, St. Croix | P.O. Box 222755, St. Croix, VI 00822 | 773-7510 | 773-1304 | officeadmin@sheets-johnson.com | |
195 | Jason Budsan | Caribbean Herbals | General Manufacturing Arts & Crafts | Jason Budsan | 126 Annas Retreat, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 518, St. Thomas VI 00804 | 777-7190 | jason.budsan@gmail.com | |
196 | Jason P. Meade | Meade's A/C Maintenance | AC Repair & Maintenance Services | Jason P. Meade, Sr. Owner | Patriot Manor, Unit 4005, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | Patriot Manor, Unit 4005, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 998-6045 | isoukyat@gmail.com | |
197 | Jeannette M. Davila | Real Estate Services | Jeannette Davila, Realtor | Gallows Bay Market Place 5030, Anchor Way, Christiansted, St. Croix VI | P.O. Box 24452, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00824 | 778-7000 | 778-7001 | jeannettemdavila@hotmail.com | |
198 | Jeffrey Merritt | Performance Construction | Construction Contractor Services | Jeffrey Merritt, Owner | P.O. Box 306538, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 306538, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 775-7914 | 775-7915 | jeff@performance-construction.biz |
199 | JK1+A156 Investment, LLC d/b/a Carib Sun Energy | Provides Solar products including estimates. Sells and installs solar power generating equipment | Jason Battiste, Owner Khalim Williams, Owner | 4CD Tamerind Estate, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI 00820 | P.O. Box 7693, Sunny Isles, Christiansted, USVI 00820 | 220-2585 | 2202585 | caribsunenergy.net | |
200 | JNM Enterprises, LLC | JNM Enterprises | Repair and Maintenance of Commercial Washing Machines, Dryers and Dishwashers Wholesaler of Commercial Laundry and Liquid Detergent | James D. Burke, Member | 1-25 St. Joseph & Rosendahl, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 307126, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 340-998-9347 | n/a | jim.ss@hotmail.com |
201 | Johanny Magras | d/b/a Quisqueya Enterprises | Bookkeeping, tax and secretarial Services | Johanny Magras, Owner | P.O. Box 302666, St. Thomas, VI | P.O. Box 302666, St. Thomas, VI, 00803 | 774-5161 | 693-0161 | quisqueya@islands.vi |
202 | John W. Metelus | J.W.M. Painting & Maintenance | Painting Repair & Maintenance | John W. Metelus, President | P.O. Box 2131 Fredericksted | P.O. Box 2131 Fredericksted, VI 00841 | 719-1421 | 719-7706 | |
203 | Jonetta Darden | Notary Public and Business & management consulting services. | Jonetta Darden | 2E-12 West Caret Bay, St.Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 6376, St.Thomas, VI 00804 | 513-2303 | 7764685 | jo45dar@easrthlink.net | |
204 | Joseph Richards | Richy's Cabinet Services | Carpentry Services | Joseph Richards Owner | 107-44 Estate Contant St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O.Box30524 St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 340-513-3120 | richycabinetservice@gmail.com | |
205 | Joyce Chiumento Realty | Real Estate Services | Joyce Chiumento, Owner | #128 Saba Bldg., St. Thomas | 6700 Sapphire Village | 775-6931 | 775-6931 | ||
206 | Joyce Wensel-Bailey, PC | Certified Public Accounting Services | Joyce Wensel-Bailey, President | Estate Ptersborg, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 11612, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 340-777-6156 | 886-255-5057 | joycebailey@earthlink.net | |
207 | Just Elevate, LLC | Certified Public Accounting Services | Raquel L. John-Baptiste Owner | #40 Submarine Base, #6 SouthSID St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 8250 Subbase, Suite 206 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 340-249-0070 | 877-407-3593 | raquel@rjbbafs.com | |
208 | K.A. Rames, P.C. | Legal Services | Kevin A. Rames, Esq. President/Owner | No. 6 Company Street, Suite #3 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 2111 Company Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-7284� | kevin.rames@rameslaw.com | ||
209 | KCV Associates Incorporated | St. John Brewers | Manufacturing and Retail of Liquor/Bootled Beer and Sodas | Chirag Vyas, President | 511 Mongoose Junction, Cruz Bay, St. John VI 00830 | 5000 Estate Enighed #289, St. John VI 00830 | 779-2564 | 888-316-9269 | bgeary@kffklaw.com |
210 | Kelly's Cleaning Service | Janitorial Service & Supply | Orneth La Corbiniere, Owner | 162 Estate Glynn , St. Croix | P.O. Box 512 , St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-0656 | 778-0656 | kellyscleaning@attglobal.net | |
211 | Kennedy V. Larocque | KL Landscaping | Tile Setting, Painting & Masonry Contractor Services | Kennedy V. Larocque Owner | 4-11 Sion Hill, Christainsted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 1505, Christainsted St. Croix, USVI 00821 | 226-7769 | kennedylarocque62@hotmail.com | |
212 | Kiersten Peterson | Sampson House | Home Furnishing, Bed & Bath Linen & Supplies | Kiersten Peterson, Owner | 21 AB Prince Street, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | 2161 Prince Street, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | 773-2526 | 773-2526 | sampsonhouse@hotmail.com |
213 | Kilroy's, Inc. | Dry cleaning, laundry pickup and delivery services | Donna Smith, Owner | 259 Contant, 00830 | P.O. Box 1330, St. John, VI 00831 | 693-8741 | 693-8741 | dmskilroy@vipowernet.net | |
214 | King's Plumbing, LLC | Plumbing Contractor | Albertina Bryan Owner | 2-1 Agnes Fancy St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 11957 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 998-2257 | kingsplumbing@hotmail.com | ||
215 | Kim Warrell | All American Concierge | Concierge Support Services (Real Estate, Business Management & Consulting) | Kim Warrell, Sales Agent/Manager | 7274 Estate Misgunst, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 7803, St. Thomas VI 00801 | 908-447-4218 | 777-2662 | llerr@hotmail.com |
216 | Kim Warrell | A ROCKa Real Estate | Real Estate Agents & Broker Services | Kim Warrell, Sales Agent/Manager | 5260 Forts Straede, Suite 15 | P.O. Box 7803, St. Thomas VI 00801 | 908-447-4218 | 777-2662 | Rockpropmgmtandrealty@outlook.com |
217 | KLR Services, LLC | Food Service. Small wares, Equipment, Parts, Repairs and Laundry | Lee Eisenhawer | 4011 New Hurrnhut, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 4011 New Hurrnhut, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 775-2727 | 777-7522 | lee@KLRvi.com | |
218 | Knight Business Center, Inc. | Insurance Shop | All Lines of Insurance | Natalie Knight Registered Rep./Insurance Producer | 8168 Crown Bay Marina, Suite 310 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 8168 Crown Bay Marina, Suite 310 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 690-2964 | 776-0020 | natalie.knight@mutualofomaha.com |
219 | Kobaz Enterprises, LLC | Heavy Equipment, Rental/Trucking, Transportation & Delivery | Jabari Blash Owner | #1-2 Estate Donoe Road St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 12331 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 775-6222 | kobazenterprises@gmail.com | ||
220 | KSBW, LLC | Blue Mountain Water | Water Supply Services | Kenneth Schuster Member | 19 Estate Pearl , Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 937, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 778-6177 | 778-9774 | ksbwwater@outlook.com |
221 | Lagnappe, LLC | Interior Design Services for Commercial & Residential Spaces | Tiffany A. Cassidy Owner | 6300 ESTATE FRYDENHOJ Compass Point Marina St Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201, St. Thomas USVI 00802 | 643-7289 | 954-282-1926 | tiffany@lagnappe.com | |
222 | Lance D. Bryan | Bryan's Welding | Stainless & Aluminum Material Sales and Welding & Fabricating Services | Lance D. Bryan Owner Operator | P.O. Box 7401, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 51A Subbase, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 340-344-0010 | info@bryanswelding.com | |
223 | LaView | Asencios Construction | Painting, Carpentry and Masonry Services | Helen Lupo, Owner | 21-18 Frenchman's Estate, St. Thomas | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite # 201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 774-0888 | 770-234-4271 | genie@asenciosconstruction.com |
224 | Law Offices of Karin A. Bentz | Legal Services | Karin A. Bentz, Owner | 32 B Suite XB, Dronnigens Gade, St.Thomas | 5332 Raadets Gade Suite 3 00802 | 774-2669 | 774-2665 | kbentz@virginlaw.com | |
225 | Lawrence T. Boschulte | Solberg Farm | Zoological Amusement Center, Manufacture of Skin Care Products | Lawrence Boschulte, Owner | Solberg 78, St. Thomas 129A-35 Annas Retreat, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 302298, St. Thomas, VI 00803 P. O. Box 751, St. Thomas, VI. 00804 | 774-6641 775-3695 | 777-8130 | lboschulte@hotmail.com |
226 | LCD Caribbean Corp. | Landscaping, Irrigation, Gardening, and Maintenance Services | Francisco E. Cueto President | 300A Westin Resort, St. John VI 00803 | P.O. Box 37, St. John VI 00831 | 775-5305 | info@lcd-pr.com | ||
227 | Leaders Inspired, LLC | Business Courses & Related Training Services | Donnalie Edwards-Cabey CEO | 25 Ninth Street Estate Thomas St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O Box 83 St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 626-9804 | leadersinspired43@gmail.com | ||
228 | LeatherVI-TTZ, LLC | Business World | Janitorial Service & Supply, Repair and Maintenace of Misc. Items | Michael Delgiacco Owner | #3 Orange Grove Suite 4 Christiansted St. Croix VI 008 | 6048 Estate Castle Coakley Christiansted St. Croix VI 008 | 340-718-7480 | sales@businessworldvi.com | |
229 | LEBG, LLC | General Construction Services | Lincoln Gumbs Owner | 62A Contant, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 8800, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 774-2699 | 7742699 | lebgllc1@gmail.com | |
230 | Lecuyer & Co. Inc. | Franks Lock & Key | Locks, keys, safes, vaults & locksmith services | Francis Lecuyer Sr. , Owner | 2366 Kronprindson Gade, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 302966, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-1094 | 775-7004 | frankslock@gmail.com |
231 | Lester A. Parsons | Parson's Landscaping & Lawn Care | Landscaping, painting, capentry, and janitorial services | Lester Parsons, Owner | #232B Estate Glynn, St. Croix, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 842, Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 998-0160 | johnparsonslandscaping@gmail.com | |
232 | Little Northside, Inc. | Caribbean Protection Systems | Installation of Fire & Burglary Alarms, Automatic Gates, etc. | Charles Nicolosi, President | #1 Gasverks Bay, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 306246, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 777-5753 | 776-7500 | caribbeanpro@caribbeanpro.net |
233 | Lighthouse Marine Corp. | Marine supplies, commercial diving, salvage and sales of used parts and underwater services | Charles F. Parlato | 39-7B Contant Southside Quarters St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 5132 Dronnenigens Gade St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 344-3117 | lighthousemarinecorp@gmail.com | ||
234 | Lon Electric, Inc | Electric Contracting Services | Lloyd O Norford | 14-16 Estate Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 2640 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas VI 00803 | 774-7793 | 7797980 | ||
235 | M M Electric Corporation, Inc. | Electrical and Plumbing Supplies | Lloyd O Norford | #52 B Estate Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 302640 | 774-7793 | 779-7980 | mmelectriccoinc@vipowernet.net | |
236 | M&M Supply Co. Inc. | Importer of Goods, Sales of Cleaning & Specialty Products | Mervin C. Fleming, Owner | 3818 Crown Bay, Suite #5, St. Thomas VI | P.O. Box 55, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 776-2953 | 776-5344 | mmsupplyco@gmail.com | |
237 | M&M Construction, Inc. | Construction Services & Supplies | Kenneth Mashburn, President | LaGrande Princess, St. Croix | P.O. Box 24657, St. Croix, VI 00824 | 773-1500 643-8261 | 858-712-3581 | mmconst@islands.vi | |
238 | Mack Construction Enterprises, Inc. | General Construction | John McCleverty, Jr. | 2001 Gamble Nordsidevej Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 306180, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-4100 | 777-1218 | jmack340@yahoo.com | |
239 | Mackay Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Reliable Rentals | Reliable Rentals | Sales and Rental of Small Equipment and Party Goods | Robert Mackay | 3 Estate Pearl (2), Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 3 Estate Pearl, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 778-5738 | 7130724 | robin@reliablevi.com |
240 | Mad Max Signs, LLC | Sign Painitng Services | David Neil Maxwell | 9B Contant, St. Thomas V.I. 00802 | P.O. Box 306795, St. Thomas V.I 00803 | 513-2694 | max@madmaxsigns.com | ||
241 | Magic Moments, LLC | Magic Moments Luxury Yachts | Luxury Yachts & Sailing | Ute Bitschnau-Moraino, Owner | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 513-3600 | utemoraino@yahoo.com | |
242 | Makhana Technologies, Inc. | Makhana Appliance Services | Appliance Services | Roland Cole General Manager | 348 Mount Pleasant, Suite 3 Fedricksted, St. Croix VI 00840 | P.O. Box 4690 Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 340-713-1146 | 340-713-1154 | service@makhanaappliance.com |
243 | Marcia B. Resnick, Esq. | Law Offices of Marcia B. Resnick, Esq. | Legal Services | Marcia B. Resnick, Attorney | 3562 Honduras, Suite 9, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 1623, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 715-2165 | 715-2167 | Marcia@surfvi.com |
244 | Marcia B. Resnick, Esq. | Market Square Title & Abstract | Title Insurance and related Services | Marcia B. Resnick, President | 3562 Honduras, Suite 9, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 1623, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 715-2165 | 715-2167 | Marcia@surfvi.com mstitle@surfvi.com |
245 | Marco St. Croix, Inc. | Water Delivery, Trucking, and Euipment Rentals | Shawn Baptise, President | Kings Hill Commercial Park, St. Croix | P. O. Box 5678, C?sted, St. Croix, VI. 00823-5678 | 778-1035 | 719-0580 | marcostcroix@gmail.com | |
246 | Marjorie Rawls Roberts, PC | Legal Services | Attorney Marjorie Roberts, President | 5013 Dronningens Gade, Suite #1, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 6347, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 776-7235 | 776-7951 | jorie@marjorierobertspc.com | |
247 | Mark-Chelle, Inc. | #1 Steam Carpet & Upholstery | cleaning suppliers and janitorial services | Dawn Comissiong, Owner | P.O. Box 9423, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | P.O. Box 9423, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 776-5572 | 866-313-4142 | number1steam@gmail.com |
248 | Marshall & Sterling St. Thomas | Theodore Tunick & Company | All Lines of Insurance Services | Collin B. Probyn | 1336 Beltjen Road, St. Thomas | 1336 Beltjen Road, St. Thomas VI 0082 | 776-7000 | 776-5765 | cprobyn@theodoretunick.com |
249 | Marshall & Sterling St. Croix, Inc. | Marshall & Sterling Insurance | All Lines of Insurance Services | John W. Harper President | 5021 Anchor Way, Gallows Bay Christainsted VI 00820 | 5021 Anchor Way, Gallows Bay Christainsted VI 00820 | 773-2170 | 773-9550 | jharper@marshallsterling.vi |
250 | Marshall Construction | Construction Contractor | Bruce Marshall, Owner | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite # 201, St. Thomas | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite # 201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 344-6611 | 714-2512 | bethmarshall@hotmail.com bmcivi@gmail.com | |
251 | McChain Miller Nissman, LLC | Legal Services | David M. Nissman, Owner | 53A Company St. Christiansted, USVI 00820 | 2120A Company Street, C'sted, VI 00820 | 719-0601 | 719-0602 | scot@mcchainlaw.com | |
252 | Melrose Messenger & Delivery Services | Process Services, Messenger & Delivery Services | Vannetta E. George, Owner | 7B-15 Contant, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 303187, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 777-3683 | |||
253 | Melvin Jeffers | Solid Construction Company | General Construction Services | Melvin A. Jeffers Owner | 132 A Estate Plessen, Frederiksted, VI 00840 | P.O. Box 5786, Christiansted, VI 00823 | 244-4083 | bulo_j@hotmail.com | |
254 | Merchants Market St. Croix, Inc. | Food distributor | Kelvin Felix | 1CD Estate Diamond C'sted, St. Croix | 4000 Estate Diamond. St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-5400 | 778-8708 | kelvin.felix@merchantsmarket.com | |
255 | Merchants Market of St. Thomas, Inc. | Paper & Cleaning Supplies, Food , etc. | Luis Elias | 6800 Smith Bay, St. Thomas | 6800 Smith Bay, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 774-5484 | 777-5764 | lou.elias@merchantsmarket.com | |
256 | Michael Bruno | Electricity Wise Strategies | Energy saving, solar system conservation products & installations services | Michael Bruno, Owner | P.O. Box 26106, C'sted, St. Croix | P.O. Box 26106, Christiansted, VI, 00824 | 773-9473 | mike@ewsvi.com | |
257 | Michael Dance | Beach Massage & Bodywork Delivered | Massage Therapist | Michael Dance, Owner | P.O. Box 24869, St. Thomas, VI 00824 | 1 Strand Street, Club Commanche/Hotel St. Croix Guard House Ste 1&2, Christianste 00820 | 513-8440 | relax@stcroixbeachmassage.com | |
258 | Michelle R. Maccio | Maccio Financial | All Lines of Insurance Services | Michelle R. Maccio Owner | 4A Estate Enighed, St. John VI 00830 | 5000 Estate Enighed, PMB 298, St. John VI 00830 | 201-1937 | 888-509-3029 | michelle@macciofinancial.com |
259 | Mills Electric, Inc. | Electrical Supplies and Services | Mr. Ivan Mills, President | 18A Havensight/18B-2 Lindberg Bay, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 502038, St. Thomas, VI 00805-2038 | 642-3165 | monelect@vipowernet.net | ||
260 | MLC Holdings, LLC | Import Supply | Importer of Goods and Supply, Repair and Maintain Diesel Back up Generators | Mark Van Den Driessche | 8220 Subbase #86, Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 302808 Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas VI 00803 | 774-1679 | 774-7707 | mark@importsupplyvi.com charlotte@importsupplyvi.com |
261 | Monsanto Electric, Inc. | Master Electrician Contractor Services | Leon A. Monsanto, Jr., Owner | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 85, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 85, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-0909 | 775-0759 | monelect@vipowernet.net | |
262 | MSI Building Supplies | Lumber & Building Supplies | Thomas Brunt, President | Crown Bay, St.Thomas | P.O. Box 301800, St.Thomas, VI 00802 | 776-9663 | 774-3170 | shane@msivi.com tbb4@msivi.com | |
263 | M-Squared, LLC | Interior Design and Decorating Services | Megan Boyle, owner | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 201, St. Thomas | 6501 Red Hook Plaza Suite 201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 779-2280 | 779-2280 | mboyle@viaccess.net | |
264 | Nathaly Medina, Oronelis Medina Cuevas | The Medina Cleaning Service | Janitorial & Supply Services | Nathaly Medina, Oronelis Medina Cuevas | 148-308 Estate Tutu St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 8316 St. Tomas, VI 00801 | 340-201-3797 | 208-247-9902 | oronelismedina@gmail.com |
265 | Netwave Unlimited Services, LLC | Communication, Equipment Installation and Contractor Services | Ana G. Foster, CEO | 112 Estate Ruby, Christiansted St. Croix, USVI 00820 | P.O. Box 6645, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI 00823 | 513-9338 | afoster@netwaveunlimited.com | ||
266 | Newbold Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Island Buisness Forms | Supplier of Business forms, Computer paper and copy paper, Computer Accessories | William Newbold, Owner | 1000 Blackbeard's Hill Suite 1, St. Thomas | 1000 Blackbeard's Hill Suite 1, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 776-8400 | 776-8401 | williamfnewbold@yahoo.com islandbusinessgraphic@gmail.com | |
267 | Nichols Newman Logan & Grey, P.C. | Legal Services | Mr. Todd H. Newman, President | 1131 King Street Suite 204, St. Croix | 1131 King Street Suite 204, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-3200 | 773-3409 | tnewman@nnldlaw.com | |
268 | Norma Jean Brent Bookkeeping | Bookkeeping Services | Norma Jean Brent, President | 5124 N. Grapetree Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix | 5124 N. Grapetree Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-9683 | 773-9683 | sara@nspvi.com | |
269 | North Shore Partners, Inc. | General Construction Services | Samuel D. Graci President | 109A-REM. 113 Suite 4 & 4m, Castle Coakley Christainsted, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 1350, Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 778-2446 | 1-800-726-1391 | sara.nspvi@gmail.com | |
270 | Ocean Pest Control, LLC | Exterminating and Pest Control Services | Steve Vasturo, Manager | 2-2b Est Bovoni, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 7577, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 513-3812 777-4423 | office@oceanvi.com | ||
271 | Oliver Exterminating of St. Croix, Inc. | Pest Control, Tent Fumigation and Termite Treatments | Eldon J. Providence, Manager | #6X Estate Peters Rest, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 787, Christiansted VI 00821 | 773-1630 | 773-1603 | oliverexinfo@viaccess.net | |
272 | Oliver Exterminating of St. Thomas, Inc. | Exterminating & Pest Control | R. Andina Ruan Vice President | P.O. Box 302702 St. Thomas, VI 00803 | Parcel #40-1 Contant St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 774-1630 | oliverexterminatingstt@yahoo.com | ||
273 | O'neale's Trucking & Trailer Transport, Inc. | Trucking, Transportation and Delivery Services | Keith C. O'Neale President | WILFRED ALLICK CONTAINER PORT CHRISTIANSTED, ST. CROIX VI 00820 | P.O. Box 7550 Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00823 | 778-1111 | 778-0855 | cbird@oneales.com | |
274 | On The Level Inc. | OTL Mechanical / Go Green | Plumbing, solar, fire suppression systems & HVAC | Mourela Cornelius | 2F Estate Lorrain, Kings Hill St Croix, 00850 | P.O. Box 135, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 778-3156 | 779-3074 | otlmechanical@yahoo.com |
275 | On Time Distribution, LLC | Wholesale of cleaning, paper products, snacks etc. | Floyd Ash, Owner | 52 Est Thomas New Quarter 00802 | 8168 Crown Bay Marina, Ste. 310, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 514-1142 | 212-937-2485 | floydash@ontimevi.com | |
276 | Optimal Construction Management, LLC | Construction Management, Plumbing & Mechnaical Contract Services | Dale F. Schmidt CEO | 5326 Yacht Haven Grande, Suite K206 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 5326 Yacht Haven Grande, Box 37 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 473-8002 | mslauson@optimalconstructionmanagement.com | ||
277 | O'Reilly Plumbing & Construction, Inc. | General Contracting Services | Rudy O'Reilly President | 36 Fisher Street, Christiansted, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 875, Christiansted VI 00821 | 473-1919 | rudy.oreilly@yahoo.com | ||
278 | Owen Johnson | Owen Johnson Electric, Inc. | Electrical Services | Owen Johnson, President | 307 Prospect Hill #17, St. Croix | 307 Prospect Hill #17, St. Croix, VI 00840 | 772-5798 | 772-5798 | johnsonowen@gmail.com |
279 | Olympic Sales, Inc. | Olympic Rent-A-Car | Car Rental Services | DaRia Knight Manager | 1103 Estate Richmond, Christiansted VI 00820 | 1103 Estate Richmond, Christiansted VI 00820 | 718-3000 | 718-9000 | rent@olympicstcroix.com |
280 | Pat Construction & PG Electric | Electrical Contractor & General Construction Services | Patrick George Owner | #27 Castle Coakley Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 3762 Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 771-0879 | 773-8029 | pgelectric@live.com | |
281 | Patalidis Designers, Inc. | Interior Designs | Michel A. Patalidis, President | 5126 Gallows Bay, Port Terminal St. Croix, VI 00820 | 5126 Gallows Bay, Port Terminal St. Croix, VI 00820 | 778-6560 | 772-5205 | mpatalidis@yahoo.com | |
282 | Patricia Richards-Raymond | Patricia Cleaning Services | Janitorial & Supply Services | Patricia Richards-Raymond Owner | #12A Hull Bay, Apt. 3 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 8253 Estate Contant St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 340-201-4724 | rpat20087@yahoo.com | |
283 | Paul Ferreras PE, Inc. | Consultant engineering services. | Paul Ferreras, President | 9-1 Estate Bellevue, St. Thomas | 9-1 Estate Bellevue, St. Thomas | 714-5435 | 777-5779 | pferreras@vipowernet.net | |
284 | Paul S. Myrvang | Myrvang Architects, Inc. | Architectural services | Steve Myrvang, Owner | 31 A Estate St. John, Christiansted VI 00820 | P.O. Box 1018, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00821 | 513-3514 | 772-5309 | islandjosie@gmail.com steve.myrvang@gmail.com |
285 | People Solution Worldwide, LLC | Business & Management Consulting Services | KellySimon CEO | P.O. Box 25107, Christiansted VI 00824 | 340-514-8326 | ksimon@peoplesolutionsworldwide.com | |||
286 | Personal Touch Insurance Services, LLC | Insurance agent for life, medical, and disability insurance and medical air services | Ocia Gumbs, CEO | Fortress Mall Bldg. K, Ste 2032, St. Thomas | 9160 Estate Thomas PMB 214, St. Thomas, VI 00802-3641 | 776-2396 | 775-9643 | personaltouch_insurance@live.com | |
287 | Petroleum Brokers, LLC | Fuel Wholesale & Diesel Delivery | Jaime Sampe Member | 8530 #14 Lindberg Bay, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 6527, St. Thomas, VI 00804 | 227-3637 | info@petroleumbrokersvi.com | ||
288 | Poolworks, Inc. | Chemical & Pool Supply, etc. | Mr. Michael F. Fuller, President | Christiansted, St. Croix | 3025 Estate Friedenstahl, C'sted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 773-5225 | 340-773-6133 | poolworks@live.com | |
289 | PR Construction & Heavy Equipment | Construction Contractor Services | Paul Berry, Owner | 6534 Estate Mandahl, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6534 Estate Mandahl, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 643-5240 | mrspberry@yahoo.com | ||
290 | Premium Finance Company of the V.I. | Insurance Premium Financing | R.E.W. Grant, President | Suite 101 Village Mall, St. Croix | P.O. Box 4689, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-4888 | 778-5053 | ||
291 | Pro Mar Services, Inc. | Construction Contracting Servies | Mark Knopf, President | 162 Subbase, St. Thomas USVI 00802 | 23 Water Island 00802 | 690-1661 | 777-1845 | promarservices@gmail.com | |
292 | Professional Apparel LLC | Uniform City | Uniforms | Paula Leung-Kressley Owner | 49 ESTATE CASTLE COAKLEY UNIT 10 Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 250, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-9775 | professionalapparelvi@gmailcom | |
293 | Professional Design Builders | Custom Builders | General Contracting Services | Steve Lammens, Vice-President | 4028 Anna's Retreat, St. Thomas | 4028 Anna's Retreat, St.Thomas 00802 | 775-2605 | 775-9334 | stevelammens@gmail.com |
294 | Pulse Technology Solutions of the Islands, LLC | information technology solutions and services | James Bryan Caudill-Ritter Managing Member/CEO | 17-5C Estate St. Peter, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 7499 Estate St. Peter, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 423-1203 | (239) 677-35 | james@pulse.tech | |
295 | Quality Electric Supply, Inc. | Electrical Supplies, Fixtures, Fans | Johanna Trinidad, Office Manager | 6703 Peters Rest, C'sted, St. Croix, St. Croix | 6703 Peters Rest, C'sted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-4630 | 778-7653 | jt@qualityelectricvi.com | |
296 | Quality Foods St. Croix | Wholesaler / Retailer | Terry Buder, President | Veteran's Drive, St.Thomas | 6096 Castle Coakley | 778-1234 | 778-8012 | qualityorders@qualityfoodvi.com qualityfoodvi.com | |
297 | Quantum Vision Construction, LLC | General Construction Services | Eason Jeffers President | 79 Castle Coakley Christainsted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 25498 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00824 | 227-1191 | easonjeffers@quantumvisionconstruction.com | ||
298 | R &T Unlimited Security, LLC | Security Services & Analysis and Watchman, Guard & Patrol Services | Richard Elizee, Owner | 113 Barron Spot Village Mall M4 Kingshill, VI 00850 | P.O. Box 5225, Christiansted, St. Croix , VI 00823 | 778-3500 | 813-435-2354 | rt-unlsecurity@live.com | |
299 | Raider Construction, LLC | Construction Management and Contractual Services | Frank Raffa, President | 7410 Estate Bovoni Bay 2 St. Thomas 00802 | P.O. Box 8117, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 776-1070 | 776-1060 | raffam@vipowernet.net | |
300 | Rain or Shine Residential Cleaning Services, LLC | Janitorial Services & Supplies | Ms. Josianne Lavinier Owner | 404-304 Annas Retreat St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 9416 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 642-1480 | Keesher_77@hotmail.com | ||
301 | Ramesh Williams | Lights N Bulbs | Lights, Bulbs and lighting Fixtures | Ramesh Williams, Owner | 7 Snegle Gade, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 11736, St. Thoms, VI 00801 | 643-4201 | 776-9477 | rameshwilliams@bellsouth.net |
302 | Raquel John-Baptiste | RJB Bookkeeping & Financial Services | Bookeeping Services | Raquel L. John-Baptiste Owner | 61 BCA Lindberg Bay St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 302492 St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 690-4877 | 877-407-3593 | RAQUEL@RJBBAFS.COM |
303 | RCH Technologies, LLC | Communication equipment installation and technology support | Ryan Heiob, Owner | 56 Estate Frydenhoj #26, St. Thomas, VI | 9160 Estate Thomas PMB 277, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 776-1158 | ryanh@rchtechnologies.com | ||
304 | Reach Communications, LLC | Communication, Equipment Installation and Contractor Services | Jeffrey A. Sutton Managing Member | 53 King Street (1114) 3rd, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 2050 Mahogany Welcome, Christiansted VI 00820 | 715-7763 | billing@reach.vi | ||
305 | Red Head Sales of St. Croix | Concrete Fasteners | Steven Walsh, Manager | 14 A PETERS RST CHRISTIANSTED, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 3574, St. Croix, VI 00822 | 773-1416 | 773-1416 | redhead@islands.vi | |
306 | Reef Transportation, Inc. | Ferry Transportation services | Melvin C. Luff. Owner | P.O. Box 11480, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 11480, St. Thomas, VI 00801-4480 | 774-3732 | adventure@islands.vi | ||
307 | REEFO, Inc. | Air Condition Sales & Repairs Services | David VanDrieson | 3801 Crown Bay, Suite 210, St Thomas, VI 00802 | 3801 Crown Bay, Suite 210, St Thomas, VI 00802 | 776-0038 | 776-0038 | reefcoservices@gmail.com | |
308 | Renee M. D'Adamo AIA Architect | Architectural Services | Renee M. D'Adamo, Owner | 62 Estate Ruby, St. Croix | P.O. Box 24711 Christiansted, St. Croix US Virgin Islands 00824 | 772-5904 | 778-2207 | renee@rmdarchitect.com | |
309 | Resort Adventure Centers, Inc. | Recreational, Excursions and tour services | Scott Mckellar, Owner Jim Trilling, Owner | 11480, St. Thomas VI | P.O. Box 11480, St. Thomas, VI 00801-4480 | 774-2992 | 774-3732 | adventuremark7@gmail.com | |
310 | Riley Electric | Electrical Contractor | Augustus Riley, Owner | #2-3 E Estate Bovoni St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 302906, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 777-4539 643-1498 | 779-4539 | info@rileyelectricvi.com | |
311 | RKM Management, LLC | Atlanta Refrigeration Service VI | Air Condition and Refrigeration Repair Services, Mechanical Contracting Services | Robert & Julia Magee | 7350 Estate Bovoni, Suite 121C, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 7350 Estate Bovoni, Suite 121C, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 775-9222 | 775-9122 | julie@arsusvi.biz kent@arsusvi.biz |
312 | Robert O. Jacobs | Jacobs Real Landscaping & More | Landscaping and Painting Services | Robert O. Jacobs, Owner | #155 Estate Strawberry, Christiansted | P.O. Box 7595, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00823 | 277-1890 | 772-1117 | amaninzori@hotmail.com |
313 | Robert Kassner | Above & Below Marine Services | Marine Help & Marine Towing | Robert Kassner Owner | 43 Frydenhoj St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, Suite 201 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 201-2820 | info@marineservicesvi.com | |
314 | Rock Master Paving & Excavating, LLC | Heavy Equipment Rental, Masonry Construction & General Construction Services | Gilmore Estrill, CEO | Bovoni #82 | P.O. Box 7562 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 227-9740 | gestrillsr@yahoo.com | ||
315 | Rodney & Associates, LLC | Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping Services | Ronald Rodney Owner | 46 King Street, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 1138 King Street, Suite 104, Christiansted, VI 00821 | 773-0096 | 778-8640 | ronald@taxusvi.com | |
316 | Roncan, Inc. | Sand Castle On The Beach | Hotel, Lodging, Restaurant, Catering, Small Conference Center | Christopher Richardson President | 127 Estate Smithfield Rd., Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00840 | 127 Estate Smithfield Rd., Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00840 | 772-1205 | 772-1757 | groberts43@hotmail.com |
317 | S.G.F Construction, LLC | Construction Contractor Services | Alvinus R. Charles Owner | 16-B Commandant Gade, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 6594, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 513-7891 | sgf.construction.vi@gmail.com | ||
318 | Roosevelt S. Joseph | Joe's Carpentry | Carpentry Contracting Services | Roosevelt S. Joseph Owner | 128 Estate Ruby, Christiansted St. Croix, VI 00820 | P.O. Box 7381, Christiansted, St. Croix USVI 00823 | 227-5790 719-8890 | RWSylvesterj@hotmail.com | |
319 | Save On Islands | Save On Islands Business Solutions | Advertising & Marketing Internet Services | Sherene Bonelli Owner | 13B-5 Mandahl, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 9773, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 998-8488 | Sherene@SaveOnIslands.com | |
320 | Sea Glass Properties, LLC | Islandria Real Estate, Inc | Real Estate Sales and Related Services | Nick VanAssche | 18-23 Estate Enighed, St. John, VI | P.O. Box 56, St. John, VI 00831. 0056 | 776-6666 | 340-693-8499 | nick@seaglassproperties.com info@islandiarealestate.com |
321 | Seaside Market & Deli, LLC | Gourmet Shoppe, Supermarket & Catering Services | Maher Yusuf Co-Owner | 1 Mount Welcome Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 908 Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00821 | 719-9393 | office_seasidevi@yahoo.com | ||
322 | Sea Sprout Design, LLC | Boat Design, Construction & Repair, Consulting and Project Management | Karl Peterson Owner | 43-E Estate La Vallee Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 4042 Kingshill, St. Croix VI 00851 | 340-725-5123 | karl@seasprout.com | ||
323 | Serenity Builders, Inc. | Contractor Services | Michael K. Johnson, Owner | 8525 Lindberg Bay Unit 12, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 306988, St. Thomas, VI 00803-6988 | 776-2357 | 714-2357 | an_sbivi@msn.com | |
324 | Seslia VI Securities, Inc. | Investment Advisory Services | Shelley Moorhead, President | 2107 Crystal Gade, #7A, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 2107 Crystal Gade, #7A, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 776-0677 | 774-3666 | JSMoorehead@seslia.com | |
325 | Seven Seas Water | Design, Construction of Reverse Osmosis, etc. | Mr. Robert A. Bergstrom, President | 6200 Frydenhoj, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 307271, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 813-855-8636 | 715-0003 | lthomas@7seaswater.com | |
326 | Silicone Distributors, Inc. | Rooftops | Roofing, Silicone Sealants | Deborah Belliveau Office Manager | #24-25 Estate Friedenstahl, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 3025 Estate Friedenstahl, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 340-778-8550 | contact@rooftopsvi.com | |
327 | Soul Creations., Inc. | Salon, Retail sales, Graphic Printing & Booking Agent Services | Linda Bailey Owner | P.O. Box 6226, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | P.O. Box 6226, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 340-690-8101 | soulcreationslb@yahoo.com | ||
328 | Spartan Concrete Products, LLC | Ready Made Concrete Services | Dion Alibocas | 9010 Estate Cottage, Christiansted, VI� 00820 | 9010 Estate Cottage, Christiansted, VI� 00820 | 773-6001 | 719-0808 | dalibocas@spartanvi.vom | |
329 | Spenceley Office Equipment, Inc. | Office Machines & Supplies | Richard Spencely, President | Waterfront, St. Thomas & Gallows Bay, St. Croix | P.O. Box 308790, St.Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-2190 / 773-2355 | 776-3104 / 773-2610 | rspenceley@gmail.com | |
330 | Spencer Ocean Services, LLC | Supplier of Industrial Services, Food and other Supplies Fire Systems, Waste Management, And Freight Services. | Matt Spencer | 9009 Estate Cottage, Suite 1, Christiansted | P.O. Box 24117 St. Croix, US Virgin Islands 00824 | 692-9600 | 691-7006 | info@spenceroceanservices.com | |
331 | Springline Architects, LLC | Architectural and Engineering Services | Theresa S. Roberts, Member | 6346 Estate Smith Bay St.Thomas, VI 00802 | 6346 Estate Smith Bay St.Thomas, VI 00802 | 777-2345 | 777-2346 | Jennifer@springlinearchitects.com | |
332 | St. Croix Business Machines, Inc. | Office Equipment Sales, Rental & Repair & Maintenance Services | Vernon Nicholas, President | #4N Estate Sion Farm, Suite 3, 4&5 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 4400 Sion Farm, Suite 3, 4&5, Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 778-0980 | 778-4046 | scbusmac@viaccess.net | |
333 | St. Croix Financial Center | Tamarind Reef Hotel/Green Cay Marina | Hotel, Restaurant & Commercial Rentals/Marine fuel services & slip rentals | Kiran Allen, Comptroller | 5000 Estate Southgate, St. Croix | 5000 Estate Southgate, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-1453 | 718-9651 | tamarindreefresort.com |
334 | St. John Plumbing, Inc. | Plumbing Contracting Services | Thomas McQuade President | 5000 Estate Enighed, St. John VI 00830 | P.O. Box 161, St. John VI 00831 | 693-8300 643-0298 | pamusvi@hotmail.com | ||
335 | St. John Projects, Inc. | Management consulting & Building supply supplies | Margaret Majette, Owner | 5000 Estate Enighed, PMB 24, St. John | 5000 Estate Enighed, PMB 24, St. John, VI 00830 | 714-7891 | 714-7893 | margaret@stjprojects.com | |
336 | St. John Properties, Inc. | Real Estate | Barbara Harris, Owner | 18-1 Enighed, StJohn VI 00831 | P.O. Box 700, St. John VI 00831 | 693-8485 | 714-5320 | bj@stjohnproperties.com | |
337 | St. Thomas Concierge Services | St. Thomas Concierge Services | Provides water sports and tour broker services. | Timothy P. Krygsveld | Elysian Beach Resort St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook, Ste 16, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 775-1171 | 774-5825 | sttstj@registeenterprises.com |
338 | Stedman Dana | Jaydee's Prof. Window Cleaning & Powerwashing | Janitorial Service and Supply | Dana Stedman President | #7 Dorothea, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 600202, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 642-5510 | jay-dees@hotmail.com | |
339 | Steve E. Hutchins A.I.A,. Inc. | Architectural Services | Steve E. Hutchins, President | 109-113 Castle Coakley, St. Croix | P.O. Box 3493, C'sted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 778-8898 | 778-7754 | stx@seharchitects.com | |
340 | Steve O. Abbott | Construction and Contractor Services | Steve O. Abbott, Owner | 8A Ross Taanberg, St. Thomas VI 00801 | P.O. Box 11462, St. Thomas USVI 00801 | 643-2659 | 777-1912 | sdjconstruction34@yahoo.com | |
341 | Stone Masonry, LLC | Masonry and Construction Services | Brent B. Squires, Owner | 32 Susanaberg B2, St. John, USVI 00830 | 5000 Estate Enighed PMB 20, St. John VI 00830 | 774-0442 | 774-0442 | info@stjohnstonemasonry.com | |
342 | Strategy Group VI, LLC | Business and Management Consulting Services | John Engerman CPA | 3077 Kronprindsens Gade, Ste. 2 St. Thomas, USVI 00802 | 3077 Kronprindsens Gade, Ste. 2 St. Thomas, USVI 00802 | 715-7736 | infostrategygroupvi.com | ||
343 | Sunshine Shopping Center, Inc. | Commercial Space Services | Hatim Yusuf Managing Director | #1 Estate Cane, Frederiksted St. Croix, VI 00841 | #1 Estate Cane, Frederiksted St. Croix, VI 00840 | 692-5700 | 866-223-1005 | elaurencin@sunshinemallvi.com | |
344 | Supply Resources, Inc. | S.R.I./Solar Supply | Medical Laboratory and Cleaning Supplies for Hospitals and Facilities | Lynn Delaney | 9162 Estate Thomas Bay 5, St. Thomas, USVI | 9162 Estate Thomas Bay 5, St. Thomas, USVI 00802 | 775-7483 | 776-3878 | leslie@supplyresources.vi lynn@supplyresources.vi |
345 | Supreme Printing | Printing, designing, creating and copying services | Stanford Joseph, Owner | 9200 Vitraco Park, Ste. 17, St. Thomas | 9200 Vitraco Park, Ste. 17, St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 774-3441 | 774-7691 | supremevi@yahoo.com | |
346 | Sweet Lime Enterprises, Inc. | Retail of Furniture and Furnishing | Mark & Pat Sellergren | 6F Constitution Hill, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 24091, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00824 | 719-6360 | pat.sellergren@sweetlimefurnishings.com | ||
347 | Synergy Fitness & Wellness Center | Fitness & Wellness Services | Bonnie O'Rourke-Barr, Owner | 17B Smith Bay, Red Hook Plaza, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 6115 Estate Smith Bay, Ste.334/335 Box 5, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 714-2348 | 715-2348 | bbarr@synergyvi.com | |
348 | T and N Heavy Equipment, LLC | Heavy Rental Equipment Services | Norman Smith General Manager | 36 E & F La Grande Princesse Christiansted, St. Coix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 7688 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00823 | 513-5368 | najjee@msn.com | ||
349 | Taller Larjas, LLC | Architectural and Engineering Services | Gerville Larsen | 20A Queen Street, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 20A Queen Street, Christiansted, VI 00820 | 779-3039 | info@tallerlatjas.com | ||
350 | Tanya Vann Blake-Coleman | Real Estate service | Tanya Van Blake-Coleman, Owner/Broker | 1-20 Wintberg, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 307668, St. Thomas, VI, 00803 | 344-2959 | 866-921-8858 | tvanblakecoleman@gmail.com | |
351 | Taylor Studios | Handmade Floor & Wall Tiles, Custom floor and wall tile, Danish brick and pavers | Melvin & Margaret Taylor, Partners | 52 Concordia East, St. Croix 00820 | P.O. Box 847, Kings Hill, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 718-1364 | mtaylor@taylorstudiosvi.com | ||
352 | THAW, LLC | #1 Gopher | Messenger & Delivery Service and Wholesaler of Food Products | Alvin Watts, Owner | 179 Subbase, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 305137, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 340-227-6807 | n/a | vigopher@hotmail.com |
353 | The Allanonyx Group, LLC | Edge 2 Edge Landscaping | Landscaping, gardening and Maintenance Services | Allana Reid Owner | #30 Belleuve Village Cruz Bay, St. John VI 00830 | P.O. Box 1105 St. John VI 00831 | 228-2229 | m_allana1315@hotmail.com | |
354 | The Paint Depot | Sales of Paints, Roof coating & Related sundries | Richard Michael Perron, Owner | 4003 RAPHUNE HILL ROAD, STE 10 6A-6B St. Thomas, VI 00802 | Al Cohen's Plaza Rte 38 St Thomas, 00820 | 775-1466 | 775-5530 | paint.depotvi@gmail.com | |
355 | The Viking Corporation | Moving, Storage, and Freight Forwarding Services | Berisford Lynch | 9153 Estate Thomas St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P. O. Box 1536, St. Thomas, VI. 00804 | 776-1536 | 774-0859 | vikingstt@vikingvi.com | |
356 | Time Capsule Media Group, LLC | Media Advertising, Promotion & Production Services | Heath George CEO | 58-4 Estate Fortuna St. Thomas, VI 00802 | P.O. Box 10113 St. Thomas, VI 00801 | 340-514-5213 | timecapsulemediacorp@gmail.com | ||
357 | Tip Top Construction, Corp. | Construction | Percy J. Hollins, President | 5064 Mt. Welcome Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 5064 Mt. Welcome Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00820 | 773-5252 | 773-8191 | tiptop@tiptopvi.com | |
358 | TMAC d/b/a Caribbean Packaging | Bags, paper products, plastics and food service supplies | Scott Martin, President | 9B Contant Suite 121-8, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 302780, St. Thomas, VI 00803 | 774-0140 | 774-5800 | caribbeanpackaging@gmail.com | |
359 | Tom Bolt & Associates, P.C. | Legal Services | Mr. Tom Bolt, President | 5600 Royal Dane Mall, suite 21, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 5600 Royal Dane Mall, suite 21, St. Thomas VI 00802 | 774-2944 | 776-1639 | tbolt@vilaw.com | |
360 | Tropic View Estates Ltd. | H.H. Tire & Battery | Tire & Battery Sales and Automotive Repair Services | Kevin Hensley, President | 61B Estate Castle Coakley, St. Croix | P.O. Box 826, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00821 | 778-5962 | 778-5686 | hhtire@gmail.com |
361 | Tropitech Solutions, LLC | Project Coordinator/Consultant & Electrical Engineer | Steven A. Garner CEO | 9109 Castle Coakley, Suite #9 Christiansted, VI 00820 | 9109 Castle Coakley, Suite #9 Christiansted, VI 00820 | 201-4412 | sgarner@tropitech.com | ||
362 | Twilia Wilson & Associates, Inc. | Interior Decorating Services | Kobrina Nicholas, Vice-President | 2112 Fisher St., C'sted VI 00820 | P.O. Box 26084, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 778-4882 | 778-2292 | kobie@twiliawilson.com | |
363 | U & W Industrial Supply, Inc. | Industrial Supplies | John Wessel, President | 13 F Bethlehem, St. Croix | P.O. Box 1720, St. Croix, VI 00851 | 778-0012 | 778-2545 | jwessel@gecusvi.com | |
364 | United Corporation | Plaza Extra East | Perishable & Non-Perishable Goods Services | Nejeh Yusuf Co-Owner | 4C&D Sion Farm Christainsted, St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 763 Christiansted, St. Croix VI 00821 | 778-6240 | 778-1200 | plazaextra@yahoo.com |
365 | United Resources, Ltd. Co. | Waste Management Solution Services | James J. Jones, Jr. Chief Executive Manager | 10m Estate Nadir St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 9160 Estate Thomas PMB #2120 St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 690-3181 | 777-2266 | unitedresourcesvi@gmail.com | |
366 | Universal Business Supplies, Inc. | Sales and services of office equipments and furniture; janitorial and office supplies | Scott Barber, Owner | 129 Subbase, St. Thomas | P.O. Box 11490, St.Thomas, VI 00801 | 776-7887 | 777-9648 | scott@ubsupplies.com | |
367 | Up in the Air, LLC | Air Charter Services | Adrien E. Austin | 3017 Estate Contant, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 3017 Estate Contant, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 690-496-8502 | dhaddow@drivegreenvi.com | ||
368 | VI Cargo Services, Inc. | Shipping and Freight Forwarding Services | Lloyd Rougier | 117 Estate Castle Coakley C'sted, St. Croix 00802 | 117 Estate Castle Coakley C'sted, St. Croix 00802 | 778-6331 | 778-6462 | invoice@vicargo.com | |
369 | VI Equipment Rental & Construction, Inc. | Rental of Equipment Services | Elsie Berry C0-Owner | Estate Mandahl #15A-4, St. Thomas VI 00802 | P.O. Box 9560, St. Thomas VI 00801 | 513-7336 | viequipmentrental@gmail.com | ||
370 | Virgin Islands Coffee Roasters | Providing wholesale of coffee and coffee equipment | Catherine Smith, Co-Owner | #8 Lindberg Bay, St. Thomas V.I. 00802 | 8168 Crown Bay Marina, STE 310-468 | (340) 227-7349 | chevylsmith@gmail.com | ||
371 | Virgin Islands Regulated Waste Management, Inc. | Pollution Control Services | Keith O'Neale, President | O'Neale Bldg., Wilfred Allick Container Port, St. Croix | P.O. Box 222994, C'sted, St. Croix, VI 00820 | 773-9121 | 778-0855 | marcia@oneales.com | |
372 | Vivot Equipment Corporation | Heavy Equipment & Trucking Rental, Marine Salvage & Underwater Services and Hazardous Waste Contractor Services | Mr. Jean Patrick Vivot | 9010 Estate Cottage Suite 2, Christiansted, VI� 00820 | 9010 Estate Cottage Suite 2, Christiansted, VI� 00820 | 713-1100 | kathleen@vivot.vi | ||
373 | Walter W. Tomyn | Engineering Services | Walter W. Tomyn, Owner | 33 SHOYS, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 24328, Christiansted St. Croix VI 00824 | 317-459-3353 | n/a | wtomyn@gmail.com | |
374 | William R. Nash, V.I., Inc. | Mechanical, Air Conditioning, and Sprinkler System Installation Contractor; Air Condition and Refrigeration Repair Shop; Fire Protection and Plumbing services, etc. | Michael L. Pruiett, Vice President | 4031 Estate La Grande Princesse, Suite 41 Christiansted St. Croix VI 00820 | P.O. Box 4305, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851-4305 | 718-3911 | mpruiett@wrnash.com | ||
375 | Yajak Developmentment Corp. | JPK Development | Construction Services | Jay Knoepfel, Owner | Compass Point Marina D-9, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 6501 Red Hook Plaza, #201, St. Thomas, VI 00802 | 777-3100 | 777-3102 | Jay@VirginIslandsConstruction.com |
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